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<br />F03~"''''') <br />u ;:) ( I <br /> <br />Account Brad Fegley was present and explained that two votes will be necessary for the <br />adoption of the budget and also a second public hearing for the final tax request will be <br />held. <br /> <br />Chairman Lancaster called for public participation. Louise Miller, 1104 West Charles, <br />requested to speak to the board. She suggested that instead of increasing the budget <br />the county should cut down spending. She said the county is spending too much on law <br />enforcement and the court system. The constitution provides for a speedy trial but we <br />should not have to support everyone from the cradle to the grave. She also expressed <br />concern on public housing. Chairman Lancaster stated that the county is also <br />concerned on the court costs. Arnold said that people are presumed innocent until <br />proven guilty and they have the right to an attorney and sometimes it is a free attorney, <br />because we are bound by law to provide them with a public defender. Hartman also <br />expressed concern on the number of jury trials that are held in Hall County. Hartman <br />stated this needs to be looked at. <br /> <br />Chairman Lancaster stated that the board has worked on the budget for many hours. <br />She called for public participation and no one responded. <br /> <br />Jeffries made a motion and Eriksen seconded to close the public hearing for the county <br />budget. Arnold, Eriksen, Hartman, Humiston, Jeffries, Lancaster and Rye all voted yes <br />and none voted no. Motion carried. <br /> <br />DISCUSS AND APPROVE 1% ADDITIONAL ALLOWABLE INCREASE-Lancaster <br />stated that this does no affect the budget this year it just allow the additional budget <br />authority. Eriksen made a motion and Arnold seconded to approve the 1 % additional <br />allowable increase for Hall County. Arnold, Eriksen, Hartman, Humiston, Jeffries, <br />Lancaster and Rye all voted yes and none voted no. Motion carried. <br /> <br />DISCUSS AND APPROVE RESOLUTION OF ADOPTION AND APPROPRIATIONS <br />FOR HALL COUNTY BUDGET - Jeffries made a motion and Eriksen seconded to <br />approve Resolution #03-0069 of Adoption and Appropriations for Hall County. Arnold, <br />Eriksen, Hartman, Humiston, Jeffries, Lancaster and Rye all voted yes and none voted <br />no. Motion carried. <br /> <br />9:45 A.M. PUBLIC HEARING FINAL TAX REQUEST FOR COUNTY BUDGET RATES- <br />Jeffries made a motion and Rye seconded to open the public hearing. Arnold, Eriksen, <br />Hartman, Humiston, Jeffries, Lancaster and Rye all voted yes and none voted no. <br />Motion carried. <br /> <br />Chairman Lancaster called for public participation and Louise Miller requested to note <br />the same remarks that the county was spending too much money. <br /> <br />No one else responded. <br /> <br />Rye made a motion and Jeffries seconded to close the public hearing. Arnold, Eriksen, <br />Hartman, Humiston, Jeffries, Lancaster and Rye all voted yes and none voted no. <br />Motion carried. <br /> <br />4 <br />