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<br />'V 0343~J <br /> <br />2c DISCUSS AND TAKE ACTION ON REQUEST OF SUPERVISOR HARTMAN TO <br />PURCHASE CEDAR TREES FROM COUNTY - County Attorney Jerry Janulewicz <br />stated that Supervisor Richard Hartman contacted him concerning the purchase of cedar <br />trees from the County. Mr. Hartman said he has a need for the trees and there are trees <br />growing on property that the County purchased for the South Locust Interchange. <br />Janulewicz explained that the total contract cannot exceed $2,000.00, it must be on the <br />agenda and Mr. Hartman could not vote on the agenda item. He would also have to file <br />a Form C-3 with Nebraska Accountability and Disclosure Commission. <br /> <br />Arnold stated he had some concern on the value of volunteer cedar trees but these trees <br />are considered weeds in pastureland and if the land may be considered for a park in the <br />future, he stated that he is comfortable with this process. <br /> <br />Jeffries made a motion and Humiston seconded to sell the cedar trees to Richard <br />Hartman. <br /> <br />Discussion was held concerning filling the holes and placing the trees on his property. <br />The board also discussed the number of trees and if a flat rate should be charged for the <br />sale. Concern was expressed if some one else would want to purchase trees and if a <br />minimum charge should be established. <br /> <br />Eriksen amended the motion to sell a minimum of 20 trees or $200.00. <br /> <br />Jeffries amended his motion and Humiston seconded the amended motion to approve <br />the sale of the cedar trees to Supervisor Richard Hartman for $10.00 a tree with a <br />minimum of $200.00. The land must be returned to its original state and the trees are <br />not for resale. Arnold, Eriksen, Humiston, Jeffries, Lancaster and Rye all voted yes and <br />none voted no, with Hartman absent. Motion carried. <br /> <br />PUBLIC PARTICIPATION - Chairman Lancaster called for public participation and <br />Parks Director Chuck Kaufman stated that he would like to remind the public that the <br />park will be closed July 7, 8, 9 and 10 for construction of the levies for the Wood River <br />Warm Slough project. <br /> <br />No one else responded. <br /> <br />7 ELECTION COMMITTEE - DISCUSS AND APPROVE RESOLUTION <br />ESTABLISHING SALARY OF ELECTION COMMISSIONER - Eriksen stated that the <br />election committee met to establish the salary for the election commissioner for the next <br />four years. The salary will be as follows: <br /> <br />Calendar year 2004 $25,124,28 <br />Calendar year 2005 $25,878.01 <br />Calendar year 2006 $26,654.35 <br />Calendar year 2007 $27,453.98 <br /> <br />Eriksen made a motion and Humiston seconded to approve Resolution #03-0043 a <br />resolution establishing the salary for the office of part-time election commissioner for the <br />term of office commencing January 1, 2004. <br /> <br />4 <br />