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<br />fOa041 <br /> <br />Janulewicz stated that the proposal is written that Hall County has a site and if they want .. <br />the bidders propose additional sites, the county will look at them. <br /> <br />Jeffries stated that maybe the board should wait for the proposals and if they are not <br />acceptable the board can start over. <br /> <br />Hartman expressed concern that if a jail facility were built at CAAP other housing would <br />follow and the Army has warned against this. <br /> <br />Hartman made a motion to use the property that the county has purchased as the only <br />site for the jail facility. No second motion failed. <br /> <br />Jeffries made a motion that the county site is included in the proposal but if some one <br />can propose a better site to locate the jail they can propose this in the bid. Discussion <br />was held. This is the way the RFP is written. Jeffries withdrew his motion. <br /> <br />Lancaster stated that there is a concern because of the attorney general's opinion that <br />the county received but County Attorney Jerry Janulewicz looks at different laws so that <br />is why there are questions. That is why they have had Senator Aguilar propose <br />legislation that will clarify the county's position concerning a private correctional facility <br />and the county will have to wait to see what happens. <br /> <br />Janulewicz stated that it would take some time before this issue is clarified and he <br />questioned if the board wants to wait before they put out the RFP. <br /> <br />Discussion was held and they will bring the draft back in two weeks and consider a time <br />line to keep this going. <br /> <br />Correction Director Dave Arnold requested to speak to the board. He reminded them to <br />keep in mind they need to design a facility for 25 years and the population doubles every <br />20 years. He stated he could sell bed space every day and they have brought in about a <br />$1,000.00 a day in the past. The site of the facility is important, they need to remember <br />that arresting agencies will need to travel to the facility and the CAAP location would <br />take 30 minutes travel time. The inmate population sues over everything and he <br />expressed concern on the contamination at CAAP. <br /> <br />This will be addressed again in two weeks. <br /> <br />9 DISCUSS AND APPROVE 2003 COMMITTEE ASSIGNMENTS - Lancaster stated <br />that she and Scott Arnold worked on the assignments and the majority of the requests <br />were taken care of. She stated that she does need a volunteer for the emergency <br />planning committee to serve as an alternate. Bud Jeffries stated that he would be able <br />to serve as the alternate. Lancaster stated that the resolution for the reuse committee <br />would also have to be changed to include the new mayor. <br /> <br />Arnold made a motion and Eriksen seconded to accept the committee assignments for <br />2003. Arnold, Eriksen, Hartman, Humiston, Jeffries, Lancaster and Rye all voted yes and <br />none voted no. Motion carried. <br /> <br />10 JUVENILE COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION REGARDING JUVENILE SERVICES <br />PLAN. Arnold stated that the new juvenile committee needs to meet for further <br /> <br />4 <br />