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� 1 <br /> 1 <br /> HALL COUNTY MUSEUM BOARD <br /> The scheduled meeting of the Hall County Museum Board was held on Monday, May 23, 2022, <br /> in the Edgar& Frances Reynolds Research Center, Stuhr Museum. <br /> CALL TO ORDER <br /> President Ms. Kris Nolan Brown called the meeting to order at 3:02 p.m. <br /> Attending the meeting were Trustees: Ms. Kris Nolan Brown, Mr. Don Deitemeyer, Dr. Robin <br /> Dexter, Mr. Mark Allen, Mr. Tom Gdowski, Mrs. Ann Martin, and Mr. Matt Maser. Mrs. Jane <br /> Richardson, Hall County Board Commissioner. Museum staff attending the meeting included: <br /> Mr. Chris Hochstetler, Executive Director, Mrs. Renae Hunt, Business Operations Director, Mrs. <br /> Rebecca Matticks, Director of Research, Mrs. Karen Hurst, Director of Marketing, and Mrs. <br /> Jennifer Sims, Events, Volunteer, and Membership Manager. Absent Trustees: Mr. Andy Marsh. <br /> NEBRASKA OPEN MEETINGS ACT REQUIREMENTS <br /> Ms.Nolan Brown stated as required by law, a copy of the Nebraska Open Meetings Act is <br /> available for members of the public to review. <br /> REQUEST TO ADDRESS THE BOARD <br /> Ms. Nolan Brown asked if anyone wished to address the Board, and no one responded. <br /> CONFLICT OF INTEREST ANNOUNCEMENT <br /> Ms.Nolan Brown asked if anyone had a conflict of interest with any of the agenda items. No <br /> responses. <br /> APPROVAL OF MINUTES <br /> Motion to accept the minutes from the April 25, 2022, meeting was made by Mr. Maser and <br /> seconded by Mrs. Martin. Minutes were approved and will be filed. <br /> HALL COUNTY BOARD LIAISON COMMUNICATION <br /> Mrs. Richardson reported the highlights of the County Board meetings. Mr. Hochstetler <br /> mentioned to the board that he will be presenting to the County Commissioners Board on July <br /> 20th, 2022, at 2:35pm. <br /> NEW BUSINESS <br /> Approval of Amended Ethics Policy <br /> Mr. Hochstetler referred the board to the Ethics Policy addition. This will bring the policy up to <br /> date for reaccreditation. <br /> 9. Proceeds resulting from the sale of all deaccessioned objects from the Stuhr Museum's collections <br /> shall be deposited in a special restricted"Acgt.iisitMits Collections"account. Proceeds shall he solely <br /> used or the purchase of collection objects and material. <br /> Motion to add statement 9 to the Ethics policy was made by Mr. Allen, seconded by Mrs. <br /> Martin. Motion carried. <br />