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Mr. Robb stated board support is important and if there are problems they need to be <br /> worked out he is between the board and the public and there has to be communication <br /> Quandt ask if he has worked on the 1 & 6 road programs and Don stated that he has <br /> and has also worked on land acquisition. That is what he is doing right now and wants <br /> to finish that project. He has dealt with acquiring right of way. <br /> Peterson ask Mr. Robb to step out for the board to go into executive session. <br /> 13 E EXECUTIVE SESSION REGARDING PERSONNEL FOR HIGHWAY <br /> SUPERINTENDENT— Sorensen made a motion and Hurst seconded to go into <br /> executives session regarding highway Superintendent Negotiations. Peterson stated <br /> that there are 2 reasons for an executive session to prevent needless harm or injury to <br /> an individual or to protect the public interest. <br /> 10:40 Executive session <br /> 11:17 a.m. Sorensen made a motion and Bredthauer seconded to go out of executive <br /> session. Peterson stated there were no other subjects discussed no votes were taken <br /> and no action was taken. Bredthauer, Hurst, Lancaster, Quandt, Peterson, Richardson <br /> and Sorensen all voted yes and no one voted no. Motion carried. <br /> 13 E) DISCUSSION & POSSIBLE ACTION ON INTERVIEWING FOR HIGHWAY <br /> SUPERINTENDENT POSITION AT PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT- Chair Peterson <br /> called for any action regarding the executive session. <br /> Sorensen made a motion and Quandt seconded to hire Don Robb as the Hall County <br /> Highway Superintendent with a start date of April 18, 2022. Deputy County Attorney <br /> Sarah Carstensen will work out the details of the contract will be worked out. This will <br /> be approved and signed at the next meeting. Bredthauer, Hurst, Lancaster, Quandt, <br /> Peterson, Richardson and Sorensen all voted yes and no one voted no. Motion carried. <br /> Quandt said his background is impressive and he is what Hall County needs. <br /> 6 B) DISCUSSION & POSSIBLE ACTION REGARDING CONSIDERING AWARDING <br /> BID FOR PUBLIC DEFENDER CASE MANAGEMENT SOFTWARE — Deputy Public <br /> Defender Vicki Kenny stated they reviewed the bids and addressed the current servers <br /> the backup server, the case integration and the record retention. They recommend to <br /> go with Public Defender 7 case management proposal. This will work with Outlook and <br /> uses the auto doc feature. <br /> Discussion was held on the cost Public Defender Data was $54,562 and $200.00 a <br /> month <br /> Legal Server was $29,750.00 plus the number of fields and Doug said it could be <br /> $4,750.00 and with the conversion it appeared to be $115,500.00 plus $600.00 a <br /> month. <br /> 9 <br />