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13. PUBLIC WORKS —A) SORENSEN & BREDTHAUER UPDATE — Sorensen stated <br /> they are doing regular maintenance and cleaning ditches and tree trimming. They are <br /> also hoping to get gravel hauled the month. They are working on the pup trailer and <br /> ready to put it in service. They are also looking a purchasing a shredder but that will be <br /> in next year's budget. <br /> He also reported that they had a recent new hire quit for a better opportunity. So they <br /> have more vacant positions the sign position that has not been filed and 2 equipment <br /> operators. They are also fighting some beaver damns that are damning up creeks and <br /> are getting them cleaned up. They have a couple pieces of equipment that need repairs <br /> and are working on that. They are also working on grinding up 13th Street at CAAP it is <br /> currently closed but should be done at the end of the week. They want to start on 70th <br /> Road before Werner has to start using it. <br /> Bredthauer stated it is hard to get equipment and they are in need of a trailer the one <br /> they have lost a wheel. She also reported there will be a city wide tire clean up. <br /> Quandt ask if the county was able to get funding for a tire clean up. Karen said Steve <br /> applied but did not receive it this time and he will apply again. They are picking up the <br /> snow fence so farmers can get in the fields. They are looking at the bridges and the <br /> asphalt that needs work. They are also working on the berms and pulling the gravel <br /> back. <br /> 7.9:45 A.M. ACAP PRESENTATION APRIL DESIGNATION AS CHILD ABUSE <br /> PREVENTION MONTH - Yolanda Nunico, Celine Swan, Holly Boeselager and Amanda <br /> Burton members of the Association of Child Abuse Prevention were present to request <br /> a Child Abuse Prevention Proclamation from the County Board for the month of April. <br /> They informed the board of the various activities Daises for Diana, paint the town blue <br /> with pinwheels, window painting and there will be a Save the Children banquet on April <br /> 28tH April 13 is wear blue day to bring awareness. They invited the board to participate <br /> in the activities. <br /> Hall County Sheriff Rick Conrad said consider the level of abuse if a child is in danger <br /> call 911 or use the other services available <br /> Deputy County Attorney Sarah Carstensen said all adults are mandatory reporters <br /> because we care about all children. <br /> 7B) DISCUSSION & POSSIBLE ACTION TO AUTHORIZE CHAIR TO SIGN CHILD <br /> ABUSE PREVENTION PROCLAMATION —the proclamation was read and signed by <br /> the Chair Ron Peterson. <br /> Quandt made a motion and Hurst seconded to approve the proclamation. Bredthauer, <br /> Hurst, Lancaster, Quandt, Peterson, Richardson and Sorensen all voted yes and no one <br /> voted no. Motion carried. <br /> 5 <br />