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• Expressed concern that the county struggles to purchase motor graders when they are <br /> proposing to spend money on a new building <br /> • Expressed concerns on the Wood River flood project and they are wasting money the <br /> average farmer is afraid to say anything <br /> • Expressed concern on Wells Fargo Bank <br /> • Noted the county needs to get involved on the excessive spending <br /> • Expressed concern on the work that was don on Potash road <br /> 6a executive session will be held later <br /> PUBLIC WORKS — 7A <br /> Sorensen stated that Karen Pam are bringing items forward that are important to make decision <br /> in a timely manner these items are dressed according to state statutes. He read the flowing list. <br /> • Terminated employment of sign tech held 2 problem solving meetings for the grievance <br /> • Reprimanded two employees with verbal warnings <br /> • Approved the payroll for November and December <br /> • Approved the new equipment operator hires <br /> • Approved the tree removal on Monitor Road and Locust <br /> • Approved signing the time slips <br /> • Approve signing the claims and the early claims <br /> • Approved the purchase of a salt sander for $4,200.00 <br /> • Approve the repairs for the crawler <br /> • Approved the purchase of 2 trailers for$30,000.00 <br /> • Approved the research for the motor graders <br /> • Approved snow removal for January 1st <br /> Richardson made a motion and Hurst seconded to ratify the listed decisions. Bredthauer, Hurst, <br /> Lancaster, Quandt, Peterson, Richardson and Sorensen all voted yes and no one voted no. <br /> Motion carried. <br /> Quandt ask about the repairs to the crawler and the salt sander and theses are repairs that the <br /> department head handles but they are acting as liaisons to the department. <br /> Bredthauer noted that there were 57 stumps that had to be removed and it was estimated it <br /> would cost about $30,000.00 but because they were able to retain the wood it was only <br /> $4,000.00. <br /> 7E DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION OF APPROVAL OF CHANGE ORDER#1 TO THE <br /> BRIDGE CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT WITH ED HOEVET EXCAVATING COMPANY OR <br /> ORD, NEBRASKA ON BRIDGE PROJECT C40(372) —the change order is in the packet there <br /> was an increase of$13,102.90 the revised total contract amount will be $115,502.90. They had <br /> to drive additional pilings on Project number C40 (372) for the bridge on Skypark Road there <br /> was a concern on the weight bearing. There was also the change order from Midwest Service <br /> and Sales for the steel. <br /> Sorensen made a motion and Richardson seconded to approve the change order for Ed Hoevet <br /> Excavating Company for the $13,102.90 and authorize the chair to sign. . Bredthauer, Hurst, <br /> 4 <br />