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And the county can act as the general contractor and use smaller contractors for the <br /> work there is a savings doing this. He also noted that COMB did not show an interested <br /> in bidding this. <br /> The following bid was received. <br /> Master Builders Total bid $11,800 <br /> Doniphan Nebraska <br /> Lancaster stated we are familiar with this company. The county acted as the general <br /> contractor for the public defender project and used small contractors and it went well. <br /> Richardson made a motion ad Quandt seconded to accept the bid from Master Builders <br /> and refer it to facilities. <br /> Bredthauer stated the county has to have architect for the Federal Building. Quandt <br /> stated they are a good contractor if you hire a general contractor they usually require <br /> 20%. <br /> Discussion was held on the cost of the renovations for the public defender and <br /> Lancaster stated that the renovations for the Veterans Service was the lowest per <br /> square foot. <br /> Loran stated that the board has to accept the design and then it goes to the National <br /> Park Service and then the Historical Preservation Office. Loran stated he talked to <br /> Dena Sanford and she will get started on it right away. <br /> The vote on the motion to refer it was held. Bredthauer, Hartman, Hurst, Lancaster, <br /> Quandt, Peterson and Richardson all voted yes and none voted no. Motion carried. <br /> B) FACILITIES UPDATE — Loran stated that they are ready for the first court operations <br /> at the Federal Building. The judges area is set up and the rooms are set up He stated <br /> that he still needs more chairs but has that covered. IT has been running the conduit <br /> and they will have a final walk through on Thursday. <br /> He stated that he will be talking to the gentleman that is helping him with the Covid <br /> grant will be here Friday. He stated that the Project #1 will be for the PE and sanitation <br /> and roject#2 will be the courtrooms. They're keeping track of the overtime for the <br /> Sheriff's department and Loran stated that he may need some help with the details and <br /> explanations. He stated that the Department of Justice grant will not cower the laptops. <br /> When the funds are sent it he will contact Alaina. <br /> He reported that the park is filling up they camping is coming back and so are the <br /> shelter rentals. Traffic at the park is picking up. <br /> 7 <br />