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Break 11:11 am <br /> Meeting back in session 11:17 am <br /> 11. DISCUSSION & POSSIBLE ACTION REGARDING REQUEST FROM BETH <br /> BAXTER WITH REGION III FOR ADDITIONAL FUNDING (QUANDT) <br /> Beth Baxter stated that they have seen a huge increase across many <br /> organizations that they have contracts with, Beth went over some of the <br /> numbers on her document she had gave to the commissioners. She stated that <br /> Region III has experienced a short fall and was requesting $27,103.87 to get <br /> thru the fiscal year thru June 30. <br /> Peterson questioned Beth if this was due to Covid-19? Peterson stated they <br /> could have issues down the road as well. <br /> Lancaster stated many people are struggling mentally as well with Covid-19 <br /> issues. <br /> Quandt made a motion to grant a one-time expenditure for Region III in the <br /> amount of$27,103.87 Bredthauer seconded the motion. Bredthauer, Hurst, <br /> Hartman, Lancaster, Quandt, Peterson, and Richardson all voted yes, none <br /> voted no. Motion Carried. <br /> 12. FACILITIES-DICUSS BUDGET-Loren Humphrey stated he only had about <br /> $13,000.00 left in budget for June. He was stated he was concerned with some <br /> upcoming expenses that were in works with the road sprayer and Juvenile <br /> diversion and Road department wanting protective windows put in. He stated <br /> there had been some talk from District and County Court about using the <br /> federal building for court, he stated that would be at least an additional <br /> $9,000.00 to get the elevator certified. <br /> Lancaster questioned why the Equipment and Improvement reserve can't be <br /> utilized? She stated to Humphrey that is what it is for. <br /> Humphrey just wanted to bring to the Boards attention that his budget was <br /> getting low. <br /> Lancaster thanked him for keeping them updated. <br /> Loren Humphrey updated the Commissioners about a grant that was in the <br /> works for roughly $58,000.00 he stated he is still gathering expenses from the <br /> departments. <br /> Peterson questioned what numbers were looking like so far for expenses for <br /> Covid-19 related? <br />