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This Tower has served as a safe, reliable source for wireless services for the community <br /> for twenty years and will continue to do so if renewed. Its continued existence decreases the need <br /> for additional new wireless facilities in the community by providing existing wireless coverage <br /> and capacity. The availability of wireless communication service enhances community safety and <br /> is increasingly relied upon by civil defense and other safety officers as well as the general public <br /> in times of emergencies. Wireless communication service also provides a convenience to residents <br /> and is an attractive service to businesses. <br /> The Tower is structurally compliant with all local,state,and federal regulations as certified <br /> by a Nebraska licensed engineer and is regularly maintained by qualified technicians to assure that <br /> it operates at optimal levels. It does not require public facilities and services because it is a passive <br /> use-there is no additional burden on municipal services such as sewers,police, or fire protection. <br /> The facility requires no water or sewer services, and will not generate objectionable noise, <br /> vibration, smoke, dust, odors,heat, glare or other effects. <br /> The Tower is totally compatible with the surrounding area. Having operated on the subject <br /> property for twenty years, the Tower fits in with the surrounding area visually and operates in a <br /> safe,nonintrusive manner. By continuing to provide necessary wireless services to the area as the <br /> only existing tower in the vicinity, the Tower will promote the health, safety, and general welfare <br /> of the residents of Hall County. <br /> VI. CONCLUSION <br /> This Tower has been a constant for years, with the surrounding community growing with <br /> it and relying on its presence for wireless service. Its longstanding existence on the property and <br /> its consistent service reliability are indicative of its belonging in community. The Tower, if <br /> renewed, will continue to have a great benefit to the community. <br /> For the foregoing reasons, as well as to satisfy the mandate of the Federal Government to <br /> provide wireless communications services in the United States as set forth in the <br /> Telecommunications Act of 1996, codified at 47 U.S.C. §332(c)(7)(B), American Tower <br /> respectfully requests that Conditional Use Permit renewal be granted in order to allow the <br /> continued operation of this wireless communications facility. <br />