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19.Century Link-$159.09 <br /> 20.Black Hills Energy-$30.95 <br /> 21.First National Bank-$14,235.67 <br /> 22.Bear Graphics-$72.24 <br /> 23.City of Grand Island-Utilties-$13,134.86 <br /> 24.State Farm Life Insurance Co.-$267.06 <br /> 25.Grand Island/Hall County Convention & Visitors Bureau-$31,496.60 <br /> 21. Placed on file County Office reports for Stuhr Museum March minutes, Library <br /> quarterly report, Weed Board April minutes <br /> 22. Place on file Hall County Treasurer's Misc. Receipts <br /> 25. Approved and placed on file Hall County Keno 3rd Quarter compilation report from <br /> Lutz <br /> Roll Call vote, Bredthauer, Hartman, Hurst, Lancaster, Quandt, Peterson and <br /> Richardson all voted yes to approve the consent agenda items, Motion Carried. <br /> 6 DISCUSS AND TAKE ACTION TO RATIFY <br /> (A)SECURITY WINDOWS FOR THE CLERK OF THE DIST COURT AND THE <br /> CLERK MAGISTRATE-Loren Humphrey stated the Clerk of Dist. Court glass was <br /> $3,000.00 and needed speakers as the glass is bigger, he also stated that the <br /> Clerk Magistrate got glass but has speaker holes. <br /> (B)LETTER TO THE FEDERAL DELEGATION REGARDING THE HOLIDAY FROM <br /> FEDERAL INCOME TAX FOR FIRST RESPONDERS-Lancaster stated they <br /> have not heard on the holiday <br /> (C)LETTER TO THE FEDERAL DELEGATION REGARDIN COVID-19 3.5 <br /> RECOVERY FUNDS-Lancaster stated Hall County is not included at this time for <br /> funds. <br /> Quandt made a motion to approve ratify of the 3 items listed Bredthauer <br /> seconded, Bredthauer, Hurst, Hartman, Lancaster, Quandt Peterson and <br /> Richardson all voted yes and none voted no. Motion Carried. <br /> 4 COUNTY ATTORNEY-DISCUSS AND TAKE ACTION ON PROPOSED <br /> MODIFICATIONS TO THE JOB DESCRIPTION AND PAY SCALE FOR <br /> CORRECTIONS BOOKKEEPERS'S —Carstensen stated that the Corrections <br /> department looked at job descriptions and were comparing duties and similar functions <br /> in the Corrections Dept. They would like to create a correction's bookkeeper and <br /> replace administrative assistant as these are duties being performed, Carstensen also <br /> stated they wanted to move from range 5 to range 9 for the bookkeepers. <br /> Quandt made a motion to approve Corrections Bookkeeper and pay scale range <br /> change to go in effect July 1, 2020, Bredthauer seconded the motion. <br /> Roll Call vote Bredthauer, Hurst, Hartman, Lancaster, Quandt, Peterson and <br /> Richardson all voted yes and none voted no. Motion Carried. <br />