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3. Average voter age and fear of going to the polls. As you know the average age of the voter is above 40 and it <br /> tends to be a higher percentage in the 50 and over group. Those people are most at risk of this virus. Why expose <br /> them. We want all our citizens to vote and we should take adequate precautions to insure the safety of our voters. <br /> Estimates given today is the 100,00-200,000 will die from this. I know that may be small because it is a nation wide <br /> number but we already have one death in Hall County. <br /> These are just a few of the concerns I have. I strongly encourage you and the county to petition the state for an <br /> exemption to run a mail campaign for the health and safety of the citizens of Hall County. <br /> I need to make clear that my endorsement is not from the Republican Party of which I am the local Hall County <br /> Chairman and should not be taken as the Nebraska Republican Party supports this. All we want is a fair process that <br /> enables Hall County Residents the ability to vote and not be in fear of their personal safety. <br /> David Plond <br /> Hall County Election Poll Worker/Site Manager <br /> Chairman of Hall County Republican Party <br /> Lancaster asked the board to approve that her and Sarah and Tracy work together <br /> to write a letter and send to the senators regarding the issues that Tracy is having. <br /> Overstreet stated that finding the balance to have workers but not to get <br /> contaminated, she stated we really don't have answers to this. She stated they will <br /> do what the State wants them to do, rather push back the election, or they want to <br /> keep May 12 we will do that too she stated. We just need some assistance to <br /> accomplish some of these things she stated. <br /> 22 & 24 DISCUSS AND TAKE ACTION ON LETTER TO STATE OFFICIAL <br /> REQUESTING IN IN PERSON VOTING AND CURRENT HEALTH CRISIS-Quandt <br /> made a motion to approve a letter to be sent to the Governor of the State of <br /> Nebraska and the secretary of state lining out Hall County's concerns regarding the <br /> 2020 election, Bredthauer seconded the motion. Bredthauer, Hurst, Hartman, <br /> Quandt, Lancaster, Peterson and Richardson all voted yes and none voted no. <br /> Motion Carried. <br /> Lancaster stated also that Overstreet had come to them two weeks ago asking that <br /> she be allowed to hire some high school students to help assist with the election, <br /> she will be using them at her discretion rather in the office or the polling sites <br /> wherever they are needed. <br />