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OFFICE REPORT <br /> HALL COUNTY BUILDING DEPARTMENT <br /> JANUARY 2020 <br /> BUILDING PERMITS $ 4,363.40 <br /> REGISTRATIONS $ 1,180.00 <br /> TOTAL FOR MONTH $ 6,213.40 <br /> FISCAL YEAR TO DATE TOTAL $ 40,294.79 <br /> SHERIFF CONRAD — INTRODUCTION OF DEPUTY SULLIVEN AND GIO — Sheriff Conrad <br /> stated that is has been 10 or 15 years since the county has had a Caine dog and he wanted to <br /> get the program up and going again. The dog was purchased with a donation by an anonymous <br /> group and Deputy Sullivan is the dog handler. He took 4 month of training and Gio is a 19 <br /> month old Dutch Shepard mix. He lives the Deputy Sullivan. <br /> Deputy Sullivan stated there is a lot of drug traffic on the interstate and highways and Gio is an <br /> asset to help detect those products. He is also a patrol dog and a tracker and can help clear <br /> buildings and can be used for search and rescue. <br /> Sheriff Conrad stated he is confident they have selected the right handler and they will serve <br /> Hall County well. <br /> 9:10 a.m. Held a Board of Equalization meeting <br /> 9:15 a.m. Adjoined the Board of Equalization meeting and returned to the regular meeting. <br /> PUBLIC PARTICIPATION - Chair Lancaster called for public participation and no one <br /> responded. <br /> 9. PUBLIC WORKS —B) UPDATE PUBLIC WORKS — Steve Riehle was present and had <br /> provided the board member with a memo regarding the road conditions. He had talked to other <br /> counties and they are having the same problems. Hall County has more traffic than the other <br /> counties. They have been hauling gravel and hauled 75 loads of crushed concrete to keep the <br /> road passable. They road looked better Sunday and the temperature was good and they <br /> worked until 5:00 and worked extra hours yesterday. <br /> Quandt ask if it private land owners could do maintenance on county roads and Mr. Riehle <br /> stated that they are not supposed to unless there is an interlocal agreement with the land owner <br /> They have agreement with the City for snow removal. If private individuals do maintenance <br /> NIRMA encourage that there is an interlocal agreement with the property owner. Steve also <br /> stated that if they push snow from their property is has to be pushed to the other side of the <br /> road. <br /> Hartman noted that the roads have a crown on them and if the crown is removed there is no <br /> place for the water to drain. Steve stated they have 2 pieces of equipment that they use for <br /> maintenance to keep the gravel on the road and they use a disk the grass on the sides of the <br /> roads to keep it wide enough. They will have a lot of work to do this spring because of the wet <br /> weather. Hartman also noted that Buffalo County has a lot of roads closed too. Our road <br /> Department is doing a good job. Steve noted we have more traffic. <br /> 2 <br />