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Lancaster appointed Rick Conrad, Sarah Carstensen, Loran Humphrey and Gary Quandt to <br /> Serve on the committee to address the safety issues. <br /> Sarah stated she will coordinate the meetings. <br /> Lancaster noted that the claim from Lincoln Regional Center that was reduced for clarification <br /> and there was more information received. The daily rate is $596.00 and there were 13 days in <br /> April that the county will be responsible and there were also days in May. A new bill was <br /> received and the county will pay these fees and after that the state will cover the fees. The total <br /> bill was $11,324.00. She ask if the board had any questions. <br /> 18. DISCUSSION & POSSIBLE ACTION TO APPROVE EQUIPMENT & IMPROVEMENT <br /> RESERVE TRANSFER REQUESTS —the audit committee met and reviewed the requests and <br /> made recommendations to approve them. There is a request from Building & Grounds to <br /> transfer dollars for a pickup and they needed more information on what they were requesting to <br /> replace and what the pickup is used for. <br /> Mr. Humphrey stated he is putting dollars in reserve to replace a pickup at the park. This is the <br /> pickup that had front end damage. It is used to pick up supplies and run errands. It was <br /> suggested to purchase a used pickup for this or look at a pickup off of the government surplus <br /> or off of the state bid. Mr. Peterson suggested finding a good used pickup. They could look at <br /> this in a couple of years. <br /> Richardson made a motion and Hartman seconded to approve the equipment improvement <br /> transfer for the Park Department pickup. Bredthauer, Hartman, Hurst, Lancaster, Quandt, <br /> Peterson and Richardson all voted yes and none voted no. Motion carried <br /> DISCUSSION & POSSIBLE ACTION TO APPROVE BUILDING & LAND IMPROVEMENT <br /> RESERVE TRANSFER REQUESTS —The one claim was to transfer dollars for asphalt <br /> resurfacing contact. There have been issues regarding their contract so the work has not been <br /> completed. Lancaster noted Mr. Fegley stated this has not been done before. Mr. Riehle stated <br /> that they are trying to get this project done and Mr. Baldwin stated earlier that they are going to <br /> proceed. The gravel dollars are also in a contract that Mr. Riehle is requesting to move to <br /> Building & Land fund Discussion was held this is a road contract and should go back to the <br /> Road fund. <br /> Lancaster expressed concern that the board is asking taxpayer to fund projects and they are not <br /> completed it will need to be addressed the next fiscal year. The companies are behind and they <br /> were not able to fulfill the contract. <br /> Lancaster also noted the request to transfer dollars for the safety assessment. The public <br /> defender, juvenile diversion and Clerk of the District Court requested to transfer dollars for these <br /> safety projects. This was discussed by the audit committee and they recommended denying <br /> these transfer requests because there are funds available in the building and land fund to do the <br /> projects. <br /> Hartman made a motion and Quandt seconded to deny the public defender, juvenile diversion <br /> and clerk of the district court requests to transfer dollars to the building and land fund. <br /> Bredthauer, Hartman, Hurst, Lancaster, Quandt, Peterson and Richardson all voted yes and <br /> none voted no. Motion carried. <br /> 13 <br />