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Discussion was held they need to deny claim and reconsider it later. The other claims was <br /> pulled and not processed. <br /> Hartman made a motion and Quandt seconded to deny the claim for NMC for $17,000.00 <br /> Bredthauer, Hartman, Hurst, Lancaster, Quandt, Peterson and Richardson all voted yeas and <br /> none voted no. Motion carried. <br /> 6. PUBLIC WORKS — 10:00 A.M. PUBLIC HEARING 1 & 6 ROAD PROGRAM <br /> Quandt made a motion and Peterson seconded to open the public hearing for the 1 & 6 Road <br /> Program. Bredthauer, Hartman, Hurst, Lancaster, Quandt, Peterson and Richardson all voted <br /> yeas and none voted no. Motion carried. <br /> County engineer Steve Riehle was present. The Board members received a copy of the 1 & 6 <br /> year Road Program. There are proposed list of project pending the budget approval by the <br /> board. <br /> C40 372 Sky Park Road repair a 1935 bridge have JEO is doing the consulting work and they <br /> are working out the details with Olsson & associates <br /> C40 373 Engleman Road & Airport Road replace steel girder bridge with concrete box culvert <br /> improve angel of grade <br /> C40 432 Rosedale Road the county will build and save dollar extend the box culvert <br /> C40 462 replaces a 1936 wood bridge with mental pipes <br /> C40 171 Replace existing truss bridge Federal aid project BRO7040(25) <br /> C40 468 possible drainage study clean out downstream of Farmstead Sub concrete box culvert <br /> There has been discussion on a dewatering project and possible outlet for water <br /> Mr. Riehle noted there are 7 asphaltic projects listed it would be 7 miles at a cost of <br /> $1,440,000.00 this has been submitted and the numbers are in the order they would <br /> recommend. They have been doing a lot of patching the 2 worst roads are listed first. <br /> Quandt questioned if the Meadow Lane dewatering project would take care of the problems. <br /> Steve they have been talking to the NRD regarding this project Lancaster asks if the NRD is <br /> receptive and Steve stated they are. Steve stated that they need a good outlet for the water <br /> and it would be expensive and the land owners would have some costs. He sent a letter <br /> regarding the detention cell but Steve has not heard back from them. <br /> Bredthauer distributed information to the board members on the 1 & 6 Road Program some of <br /> the project have been there since 2017 and expressed concern that they need to stay on these <br /> projects. Senator Deb Fisher stressed the importance of a strong infrastructure. She also <br /> expressed concern on the county bridge match projects. She wants to see the projects finished <br /> up this year and wants to be sure and apply for bridge match dollars. Steve stated they did <br /> receive some of the funds and have until December 2020 to compete the projects. Steve stated <br /> they are doing what they can. <br /> Richardson noted that the weather has been an issue. <br /> 5 <br />