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Mr. Zitterkopf read the process that TERC would use. Discussion was held on if they <br /> should address the whole class or just the down town area. <br /> Stacey Ruzicka noted that they could request TERC to address all commercial <br /> properties to 9 o back to the prior deprecation rate and any properties that were <br /> protested would remain as approved. This has to be filed today July 26 and TERC <br /> would have to rule by August 10, 2016 and the values would have to be recertified by <br /> August 20th <br /> Richardson stated that if you are looking at winning or losing Hall County has to provide <br /> the burden of proof. She suggested narrow it down to the down town area and go back <br /> to the prior year depreciation percentage. <br /> Lancaster expressed concern that they should address the entire class. Pelland noted <br /> that this was mass appraisal so it was all the same. Lancaster stated that the people <br /> who did protest the new values did receive significant relief. She stated that they could <br /> leave the Marshall Swift manual in place and just address depreciation. Discussion was <br /> held. <br /> Mr. Zitterkopf reminded the board that this is a petition not an appeal to adjust a class or <br /> a sub class. <br /> Lancaster suggested to adjust the whole class and to leave the Marshall Swift manual in <br /> place. <br /> Richardson made a motion and Quandt seconded to file a petition with TERC to <br /> address the commercial properties that are outlined by the map. <br /> Arnold suggested to look at the market value and questioned how the Marshall Swift <br /> affects the value. The new level of the depreciation was at 80% when it was at 94% <br /> before. <br /> Lancaster sated that she will support this but has a serious concern not including the <br /> entire class. Arnold also would like to include the whole class. Arnold suggested filing <br /> two petitions and they could issue two different orders. <br /> The vote on the motion to file a petition on the down town area was taken. Arnold, <br /> Lancaster, Lanfear, Quandt and Richardson all voted yes and none voted no. Dan <br /> Purdy and Steve Schuppan were absent. Motion carried. <br /> Lancaster made a motion to file a petition with TERC regarding the commercial <br /> properties in the City of Grand Island. Arnold, Lancaster, Lanfear, Quandt and <br /> Richardson all voted yes and none voted no. Dan Purdy and Steve Schuppan were <br /> absent. Motion carried. <br /> 4 <br />