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them. They did not respond so it has been removed. They could return it by the end of <br /> June but there would be a $100.00 penalty each month. <br /> Mid Nebraska Foundation 3825 Warbler has 2 vacant lots and she is recommending to <br /> deny because they are vacant and not being used for an exempt purpose. <br /> Lancaster stated she sit on the board and will abstain on the issue. <br /> Purdy made a motion and Lanfear seconded to deny the exemption application for Mid <br /> Nebraska Foundation. Arnold, Lanfear, Purdy, Quandt, Richardson and Schuppan <br /> voted yes and Lancaster abstained. Motion carried. <br /> TAX CORRECTION NOTICES — County Assessor Jan Pelland presented tax correction <br /> notices #4888 to #4914 requesting the board to accept and authorize the chair to initial <br /> Schuppan made a motion and Lanfear seconded to accept tax correction notices #4888 <br /> to #4914. Arnold, Lancaster, Lanfear, Purdy, Quandt, Richardson and Schuppan all <br /> voted yes and none voted no. Motion carried. <br /> NEW OR UNFINISHED BUSINESS — Chairman Arnold called for new or unfinished <br /> business and no one responded. <br /> Adjourn back to the regular meeting at 9:18 a.m. <br /> I a/_I Ati _;., <br /> aria :Conley all County Cl- k,` <br />