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using it and it is for sale. It is still being used by the Boy Scouts for their meetings. Ms. <br /> Lancaster noted it is still owned by the church but not being used as a church. <br /> Ms. Pelland stated that they look at the use of the property to determine if it should be <br /> exempt. <br /> The property is for sale. Mr. Schuppan questioned what will happen if the property sells <br /> and Ms. Pelland stated that it will depend on the statutory timeline. <br /> Mr. Arnold stated it is still a church and that has not changed the purpose of the <br /> property if it is a church and it should keep the exempt status. <br /> McFarland made a motion and Arnold seconded to approve the exemption application <br /> for First United Methodist Church and revoke the denial of the exemption application. <br /> Arnold, Lancaster, McFarland, Purdy, Quandt, Schuppan and Ziola all voted yes and <br /> none voted no. Motion carried. <br /> RECEIVE PROPERTY VALUATION PROTESTS # 1 TO #32 — Quandt made a motion <br /> and Purdy seconded to receive property valuation protests #1 to 32. Arnold, Lancaster, <br /> McFarland, Purdy, Quandt, Schuppan and Ziola all voted yes and none voted no. <br /> Motion carried. <br /> TAX CORRECTION NOTICES — County Assessor Jan Pelland presented tax correction <br /> notices #4647 to #4657 requesting the board to accept and authorize the Chair to initial. <br /> Quandt made a motion and Schuppan seconded to authorize the Chair to initial tax <br /> correction notices #4647 to #4657. Arnold, Lancaster, McFarland, Purdy, Quandt, <br /> Schuppan and Ziola all voted yes and none voted no. Motion carried. <br /> NEW OR UNFINISHED BUSINESS — Chairman Lancaster called for new or unfinished <br /> business and no one responded. <br /> Adjourned back to the regular meeting at 9:25 a.m. <br /> aria tnlec Ffall Count CI <br /> Y <br />