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HALL COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION MEETING JUNE 18, 2013 <br /> 9:05 a.m. Quandt made a motion and Ziola seconded to go into a Board of Equalization <br /> meeting. <br /> ROLL CALL VOTE — Present on roll call vote were Scott Arnold, Pamela Lancaster, <br /> Bob McFarland, Daniel Purdy, Gary Quandt, Steve Schuppan and David Ziola. Also <br /> present were Deputy County Attorney Jack Zitterkopf and County Assessor Jan <br /> Pelland. <br /> NOTICE OF OPEN MEETING LAW — Chairman Lancaster read the notice of the open <br /> meeting law. <br /> MINUTES —Quandt made a motion and Ziola seconded to approve the minutes of the <br /> June 4, 2013 meeting. Arnold, Lancaster, McFarland, Purdy, Quandt, Schuppan and <br /> Ziola all voted yes and none voted no. Motion carried. <br /> PUBLIC PARTICIPATION - Chairman Lancaster called for public participation and no <br /> one responded. <br /> COUNTY ASSESSOR DISCUSS &APPROVE EXEMPTION APPLICATION FOR <br /> DESTINY CHURCH 644 SOUTH LOCUST — County Assessor Jan Pelland presented <br /> the exemption application for Destiny Church. 644 South Locust Street, Grand Island, <br /> for real estate located at 644 South Locust, Wiebe's Add LTS 5 & 6 & PT Lots 7 & 8 xc. <br /> To be used for the church's weekly church activities. They filed for exempt status <br /> February 25, 2013 from the date of purchase. This application is for the 2013 taxes not <br /> the 2012 taxes they will have to be paid. She recommended approval as per Nebraska <br /> State Statute 77-202 and is requesting the County board to approve. <br /> Quandt made a motion and Ziola seconded to approve the exemption application for <br /> Destiny Church. <br /> Mr. Schuppan questioned if the entire building is used for the church and Ms Pelland <br /> stated that it is at this time but they may use part of it for a coffee shop in the future. <br /> The vote on the motion was taken. Arnold, Lancaster, McFarland, Purdy, Quandt, <br /> Schuppan and Ziola all voted yes and none voted no. Motion carried. <br /> APPEAL OF REVOCATION OF EXEMPT STATUS FOR FIRST UNITED METHODIST <br /> CHURCH 724 WEST 12TH, GRAND ISLAND — County Assessor Jan Pelland stated that <br /> that they inspected the property and felt that it was no longer being used as a church so <br /> they removed the exemption. She talked to Pastor Fowler and informed him that they <br /> could appeal the revocation of the exemption. The parsonage is still being used and it <br /> is exempt. Ms. Pelland read the letter form First United Methodist Church requesting <br /> reconsideration of the exempt status. A letter informing him of the hearing date was <br /> E mailed to him and County Clerk Marla Conley called and also told them that the <br /> hearing was to be held today. This property is owned by the church but they are not <br />