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Lancaster noted that the cost of the change finder the first time was $17,379.00 that <br /> was for 2 base comparisons the additional cost for a new flight would be $10,500.00. <br /> Pelland stated that the rural subs are not 100% complete they have more to go through. <br /> Schuppan clarified that she is asking to move the flight to 2013 and then the next flight <br /> would be done in 2016. <br /> Pelland stated that the 2 surrounding counties are doing flights and she is not sure if the <br /> city will do the 50/50 split but she wants to know if the board wants to consider moving <br /> the flight up because we could save some money. <br /> Arnold stated that every 2 years there is the potential to make up the costs but it may <br /> not be as great. Pelland stated that after this flight she would go back to the 3 year <br /> cycle. The new flights are 3/D instead of a flat photo they offer better information. She <br /> also mentioned that there is product that the schools could use and she would like to <br /> present it to them. <br /> Lancaster stated that if the board wants Jan to pursue this there is some additional <br /> information that is needed. <br /> Schuppan stated he would like to pursue this and see what the cost would be. <br /> Schuppan made a motion and Purdy seconded to pursue the cost of moving the flight <br /> up one year. Arnold, Lancaster, McFarland, Purdy, Quandt, Schuppan and Ziola all <br /> voted yes and none voted no. Motion carried. <br /> 4. TAX CORRECTION NOTICES — County Assessor Jan Pelland presented tax <br /> correction notices #4542 to #4581 requesting the County Board to accept and authorize <br /> the Chair to initial. <br /> Purdy made a motion and Arnold seconded to accept and authorize the chair to initial <br /> tax correction notices #4542 to #4581. Arnold, Lancaster, McFarland, Purdy, Quandt, <br /> Schuppan and Ziola all voted yes and none voted no. Motion carried. <br /> NEW OR UNFINISHED BUSINESS — Chairman Lancaster called for new or unfinished <br /> business and no one responded. <br /> 9:45 a.m. Adjourned back to the regular meeting H <br /> Marla . Conl Hall Cou CCll rk - •',f3 <br /> ;yLc= <br />