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exemption applications was included in the packets. Discussion was held on the <br /> number of exempt vehicles. Ms. Pesek stated that they all fall within the guidelines of <br /> the state statute. There may be legislation regarding this issue. <br /> She is requesting the County Board to approve the exemption applications. <br /> Arnold made a motion and McFarland seconded to approve the 2013 exemption <br /> applications. Arnold, Lancaster, McFarland, Purdy, Quandt, Schuppan and Ziola all <br /> voted yes and none voted no. Motion carried. <br /> 3. COUNTY ASSESSOR - UPDATE ON PICTOMETRY AND DISCUSSION ON <br /> POTENTIAL NEW FLIGHT FOR 2013 — County Assessor Jan Pelland stated that they <br /> had a flight done in 2011 and the payment schedule would be completed during 2013. <br /> Then they would be scheduled for a new flight in 2014 but it was brought to her <br /> attention that there may be a chance to move the flight up one year and receive a <br /> discount on the cost. The City of Grand Island is proposing to do a flight for the utilities <br /> coverage area and there are other counties in the area that are now using the same <br /> company. It would make sense to combine the flights. She does not have all of the <br /> final costs but the original flight was $79,700.00 and the estimated cost would be about <br /> $68,079.00 so that would be a substantial savings. The only problem would be that the <br /> 2013 final payment would be due and the first payment on the new flight would be due <br /> the same year. About 50% of the total cost is paid the first year. She does not have <br /> any figures from the city at this time and in the past they had done a 50/50 split. <br /> Ms. Pelland stated that the pictometry project is going very well. They have completed <br /> the initial desk top review. At this time they do not have anything for the villages and <br /> the rural subdivisions and they did try to make some comparisons and if changes were <br /> noted they were put on the list for review. The field appraisers and still doing the <br /> reviews and at this point they have found $1,995,000.00 in new value and this is just a <br /> portion of what they have to review. <br /> Lancaster questioned what the additional labor cost would be and also noted that the <br /> county would still have to pay the additional payments. <br /> Pelland stated that there were 3 departments that participated in the cost of the project <br /> the Road Department, GIS and Assessor. $9,052.50 was the county's share and the <br /> estimated cost of a new flight might be $44,000.00 so there would be about an <br /> additional $22,000.00. <br /> Arnold noted that the first time the change finder program compared the pictometry <br /> pictures with the original pictures but this time there will be pictometry pictures to <br /> compare to. <br /> Pelland stated that the records will be current and before they did not have any <br /> comparables on the villages and rural subdivisions. Also, the resolution of the pictures <br /> will be better. <br />