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Arnold questioned the replacement of the ramp and Mr. Humphrey stated they are <br /> working on the design. <br /> Mr. Humphrey stated that Berggren and Associates will have the specifications for the <br /> placement of the interior steps for the Courthouse. <br /> Mr. Humphrey stated that Mid Plains is working on the third floor balcony and <br /> encouraged the board members to take a look at it. <br /> Lancaster stated she ran into Greg Baker he was so proud of the job in the Court room <br /> it was an easy fix and it is now assessable. Loran noted that they did have to replace 6 <br /> pieces of carpet. <br /> 10:30 A.M. Held a Board of Corrections meeting <br /> 11:20 a.m. Adjourned the Board of Corrections meeting and returned to the regular <br /> meeting. <br /> COMMITTEE OR BOARD MEMBER'S REPORTS — Bredthauer stated she attended <br /> the Regional Planning Commission meeting and there will be a new Orchard <br /> Subdivision. Mr. Harder expressed concern on the number of TIF projects this affects <br /> their state aid. <br /> Lanfear thanked county employees for their generous donations to Hope Harbor and <br /> the Crisis Center. There were 55 pillows 96 blankets. It was mention in the Saturday <br /> Salute. <br /> Steve heard from public defender put on the agenda for next week Sarah does have the <br /> contract so it is on the agenda so they can finish it up <br /> NEW OR UNFINISHED BUSINESS - Bredthauer expressed concern regarding <br /> • The construction of county bridges and the fact that the bridge crew was working <br /> on a building and the need to get the bridges done <br /> • Questioned if the pickup that was wrecked had been replaced <br /> • Concern on how this would affect the budget <br /> • Need to have an update from Mr. Riehle <br /> Lancaster noted she will sit down with Bonnie and Stacey to see how this would affect <br /> the budget. <br /> Richardson noted the inclement weather policy that had been updated in May and there <br /> was not a direct phone line but that is not in place and a process to follow. The Chair of <br /> the County Board works with Jon Rosenlund, the Sheriff and the Road Department. <br /> There will be a greeting on the direct phone line and it is the employee's responsibility to <br /> call the weather line for closing information <br /> 5 <br />