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9:05 a.m. Held a Board of Equalization meeting. <br /> 9:13 a.m. Adjourned the Board of Equalization meeting and returned to the regular meeting. <br /> PUBLIC PARTICIPATION — Chair Richardson called for public participation and no one <br /> responded. <br /> Quandt questioned if the County has received the rent payment from the property on South <br /> Locust Street. The rent payment was due in March. County Attorney Sarah Carstensen stated <br /> that she has called him and he has not responded with payment. <br /> Mr. Quandt stated that this needs to be put on the agenda to terminate the contract. Then it <br /> would have to go out for bids. Ms. Carstensen stated she will send him a letter. <br /> 5. DISCUSSION & POSSIBLE ACTION REGARDING COUNTY PURCHASING ACT - <br /> Richardson stated she placed this on the agenda when she received information from the <br /> County Attorney. County Attorney Sarah Carstensen stated that she did draft a policy but <br /> suggested that the board form an ad hock committee because this would best be done in a <br /> committee. Discussion was held and the board members agreed that a committee would be <br /> better. <br /> Bredthauer made a motion and Lancaster seconded to establish an ad hock committee <br /> regarding the purchasing act policy. Karen and Pam stated that they would serve on the <br /> committee. <br /> Arnold noted that this would address the level of the formal bids and noted that the committee <br /> should consider allowing the purchase of used equipment because used equipment sells faster <br /> and vendors may be reluctant to bid because they can sell them quickly. He would like to see <br /> this as an exception. He also noted the sheriff purchases used cars and it is difficult to put used <br /> cars in a bidding situation. <br /> Schuppan agreed the ad hock committee was a good idea. Quandt suggested that they set a <br /> time limit. <br /> Bredthauer amended her motion to set a time limit of 60 days or by the second meeting January <br /> 8, 2019. <br /> Dick Hartman expressed concern on buying new equipment and backing it down to $10,000.00. <br /> Richardson stated she does not have a problem with the Ad hock committee but it is a good <br /> idea to follow state statutes. <br /> Discussion was held on the members of the committee and Arnold expressed concern. The <br /> members will be Karen Bredthauer, Pam Lancaster and Gary Quandt and Sarah Carstensen. It <br /> was noted that others can attend. <br /> The vote on the motion for the ad hock committee was held. Arnold, Bredthauer, Lancaster, <br /> Lanfear, Quandt, Richardson and Schuppan all voted yes and none voted no. Motion carried. <br /> 6. PUBLIC WORKS —A) SET BID OPENING FOR DECEMBER 18, 2018 AT 9:30 A.M. FOR 1 <br /> NEW 2019 EXCAVATOR WITH BIDS DUE DECEMBER 17, 2018 AT 4:30 P.M. — Lanfear <br /> 2 <br />