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HALL COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MEETING SEPTEMBER 4, 2018 <br /> The Hall County Board of Supervisors convened September 4, 2018 by published call in the <br /> County Board meeting room, 121 South Pine, Grand Island. <br /> CALL TO ORDER - The meeting was called to order by Chair Jane Richardson. <br /> INVOCATION —The invocation was given by Scott Arnold. <br /> PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE —The Pledge of Allegiance was given in unison. <br /> ROLL CALL- Present on roll call were Scott Arnold, Karen Bredthauer, Pamela Lancaster, <br /> Doug Lanfear, Gary Quandt, Jane Richardson and Steve Schuppan. Also present were County <br /> Attorney Sarah Carstensen and Executive Assistant Bonnie Kosmicki. <br /> NOTICE OF OPEN MEETING LAW—Chair Richardson read the notice of open meeting law. <br /> VERIFY AFFIDAVIT OF PUBLICATION - The affidavit of publication was received. <br /> REQUEST TO RESERVE TIME — Richardson stated that if anyone from the audience has a <br /> To lease come forward at this time and no one responded. <br /> P p <br /> Consent agenda - Lanfear made a motion and Quandt seconded to approve the following by <br /> consent agenda. <br /> 1. Placed on file the minutes of the August 21,2018 meeting <br /> 2. 4 County Attorney no items <br /> 3. 12 regarding DHHS was pulled from the agenda <br /> 4. 15 Approved Resolution #18-045 for closing Well Fargo checking account and <br /> transferring funds and opening a checking account for the Soldier's and Sailor account <br /> at Home Federal <br /> 5. 17 Placed on file the Inventories <br /> 6. 18 Approved the bi weekly pay claims <br /> 7. 19 Approved the early claims as listed <br /> 8. 20 Placed on file the office reports from regarding the Public Defender's case load and <br /> the report from the Building Inspector <br /> 9. 21 Placed on file the Hall County Treasurer's miscellaneous receipts <br /> 10. 22 placed on file communications <br /> Arnold, Bredthauer, Lancaster, Lanfear, Quandt, Richardson and Schuppan all voted yes and <br /> none voted no. Motion carried. <br /> OFFICE REPORT <br /> HALL COUNTY BUILDING DEPARTMENT <br /> AUGUST 2018 <br /> BUILDING PERMITS $ 3,706.45 <br /> REGISTRATIONS $ 100.00 <br /> TOTAL FOR MONTH $ 3,806.45 <br /> YEAR TO DATE TOTAL $ 53,660.37 <br /> 1 <br />