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Quandt suggested moving the doors back to take care of that. Humphrey noted the interpreter <br /> does not need a waiting room and this will be low traffic. The training would be done in the <br /> Courthouse using the jury rooms. <br /> Arnold noted that this waiting area is not solely for the veteran's service office there are only 6 <br /> people in the area that housed the entire police department. No need to have this walled off <br /> and if they need to isolate their clients they have room in their own area. They could put up a <br /> partial wall and a complete wall could disrupt the HAVC system and that would be added cost. <br /> Lancaster suggested waiting and seeing how this works and there may not be a lot of people <br /> and it could be temporary. If there are issues they can be addressed. <br /> Richardson noted there could be signage and it is no different in any other office they direct <br /> traffic. <br /> The vote on the motion was taken. Arnold, Bredthauer, Lancaster, Lanfear, Richardson and <br /> Schuppan all voted yes and Quandt voted no. Motion carried. <br /> C) DIRECTORS REPORT - Mr. Humphrey stated that he and Scott Arnold went to Wilbur <br /> Nebraska and looked at the Courthouse windows. He showed pictures of the windows and he <br /> also pointed out the security system. There are key fobs and control boxes in the ceilings. Mr. <br /> Humphrey stated that if this type of system was used they could do the work in house. With this <br /> type of system they can track who goes in and out. <br /> 9. DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION FOR ELIMINATING COMMITTEES (LANFEAR) <br /> Mr. Lanfear noted this has been discussed on when to hold the meetings every week or every <br /> other week or make one week a study session. The board requested information from County <br /> Attorney Sarah Carstensen and she stated she did not have any more information. <br /> COMMITTEE OR BOARD MEMBER'S REPORTS — Lancaster noted the year end building <br /> inspector revenues that were received. She noted that the villages agreed to pay $10,000.00 <br /> toward the operation of the department and there will be a return this year of $3,336.00. Then it <br /> will go back to the $10,000.00. The villages will be having their budget meetings. The board <br /> receives the office report monthly. <br /> Quandt noted that the "Up with People" are looking for host family's help to sponsor a dinner <br /> they will be here August 26th and leaving September 2. <br /> Bredthauer reported there was a Senior Citizen meeting and that College Park is working on the <br /> landscaping and the parking lot. <br /> NEW OR UNFINISHED BUSINESS — Chair Richardson called for new or unfinished business. <br /> Bredthauer ask Steve Riehle that they have not had a Public Works Committee meeting and <br /> she has had some phone calls about staffing the Cairo shed. Steve stated that this was <br /> advertised internally and no one responded and it has been advertised and he will interview with <br /> a possible selection soon. He has other people covering the mowing. His staff is dedicated and <br /> they work hard. <br /> Lanfear informed the board that there are some older individual mail lock boxes that the post <br /> office is going to discard and he would like to use some for decoration in the Federal Building. <br /> This would be at no cost. <br /> 8 <br />