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Richardson expressed concern that there may not be much for the agenda every week. <br /> Discussion was held. <br /> Arnold suggested one week could be a work study and they may not need to take action on <br /> items. The off week could be information gathering and just giving direction. The department <br /> head would have authority to move forward. Discussion after 4 hour may not be as productive. <br /> Schuppan noted that after this busy time of year and after September the meetings will get <br /> shorter. <br /> Quandt noted that all seven supervisors need to have the same information. <br /> Lanfear stated that it was his general thought to meet every week. Lanfear made a motion and <br /> Quandt seconded to have a regular board meeting every week after September 151 <br /> Lancaster sated she will support every week as long as it is a study session. The thought to do <br /> away with committees was to insure that all of the board members had the same information. It <br /> may be a better way to manage issues if one person is not there to have the discussion and <br /> then vote on it at the next meeting. <br /> Arnold if they meet as a full board and if it is a study session they could approve the agenda for <br /> the study session. It could be an issue with the open meeting law if you are taking direction is <br /> that action. The off weeks would not have the Board of Corrections or the Board of Equalization <br /> meetings. It would just be to work on committee issues. <br /> County Attorney Sarah Carstensen expressed concern if there was direction to write a letter that <br /> could be action. She needs to do some more research on this issue. <br /> Lanfear withdrew his motion and Quandt withdrew his second. This will be addressed again at <br /> the July 24 meeting. <br /> 4 COUNTY ATTORNEY— EXECUTIVE SESSION REGARDING PENDING <br /> PERSONNEULITIGATION -Arnold made a motion and Lancaster seconded to go into <br /> executive session. Richardson stated there are two reasons for an executive session to prevent <br /> needless harm or injury to an individual or to protect the public interest. Arnold, Bredthauer, <br /> Lancaster, Lanfear, Quandt, Richardson and Schuppan all voted yes and none voted no. <br /> Motion carried. <br /> 12:34 p.m. Executive session <br /> 12:36 p.m. Arnold made a motion and Lancaster seconded to go out of executive session. <br /> Richardson stated that no other subjects were discussed no votes were taken and no action <br /> was taken. Arnold, Bredthauer, Lancaster, Lanfear, Quandt, Richardson and Schuppan all <br /> voted yes and none voted no. Motion carried. <br /> COMMITTEE OR BOARD MEMBER'S REPORTS—Chair Richardson called for board <br /> member's reports and no one responded. <br /> NEW OR UNFINISHED BUSINESS — Chair Richardson called for new or unfinished business <br /> and no one responded. <br /> 9 <br />