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way,two(2)thoroughfare easements, or one(1)private road. <br /> 2.03.247LOT AREA shall mean the total area,on a horizontal plane,within the lot lines of a lot. <br /> 2.03.248LOT, CORNER shall mean a lot located at the intersection of two(2)or more streets at an angle of not more <br /> than 135 degrees. If the angle is greater than 135 degrees, the lot shall be considered an "Interior Lot". The <br /> setbacks for a front yard shall be met on all abutting streets. <br /> 2.03.249LOT COVERAGE shall mean the portion of a lot or building site which is occupied by any building or <br /> structure, excepting paved areas, walks and swimming pools, regardless of whether said building or structure <br /> is intended for human occupancy or not. <br /> 2.03.250LOT, CURVE shall mean a lot fronting on the outside curve of the right-of-way of a curved street, which <br /> street has a centerline radius of 300 feet or less. <br /> 2.03.251LOT DEPTH shall mean the horizontal distance between the front and rear lot lines measured in the mean <br /> direction of the side lot lines. <br /> 2.03.252LOT, DOUBLE FRONTAGE shall mean a lot having a frontage on two (2) non-intersecting streets as <br /> distinguished from a corner lot. <br /> 2.03.253 LOT, FLAG shall mean a lot with frontage and access provided to the bulk of the lot by means of a narrow <br /> corridor,see diagram above. <br /> 2.03.254LOT, FRONTAGE shall mean the side of a lot abutting on a legally accessible street right-of-way other than <br /> an alley or an improved county road. For the purposes of this definition, on corner lots, all sides of a lot <br /> adjacent to streets or roads shall be considered frontage. <br /> 2.03.255 LOT,INTERIOR shall mean a lot other than a corner lot. <br /> 2.03.256LOT LINE shall mean the property line bounding a lot. <br /> 2.03.257LOT LINE,FRONT shall mean the property line abutting a street. <br /> 2.03.258LOT LINE, REAR shall mean a lot line not abutting a street which is opposite and most distant from the <br /> front lot line. <br /> 2.03.259LOT LINE, SIDE shall mean any lot line not a front lot line or rear lot line. <br /> 2.03.260LOT, NONCONFORMING shall mean a lot having less area or dimension than required in the district it is <br /> located and lawfully created prior to the zoning thereof and whereby the larger area or dimension <br /> requirements were established, or any lot, other than one shown on a plat recorded in the office of the County <br /> Register of Deeds, which does not abut a public road or public road right-of-way and which was lawfully <br /> created prior to the effective date of this Regulation. <br /> 2.03.261 LOT THROUGH shall mean a lot having frontage on two(2)dedicated streets,not including a corner lot. <br /> 2.03.262 LOT OF RECORD shall mean a lot held in separate ownership as shown on the records of the County <br /> Register of Deeds at the time of the passage of a regulation or regulation establishing the zoning district in <br /> which the lot is located. <br /> 2.03.263 LOT WIDTH shall mean the average horizontal distance between the side lot line, measured at right angles <br /> to the lot depth at a point midway between the front and rear lot lines. <br /> Section 2.03N <br /> 2.03.277NEBRASKA REVISED REISSUED STATUTES, 1943 and the abbreviated term Nebr. R. R. S., 1943 are <br /> one and the same. <br /> 2.03.278NIGHTCLUB shall mean a commercial establishment dispensing beverages for consumption on the premises <br /> and in which dancing is permitted or entertainment is provided. (Also, see Bar) <br />