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Arnold made a motion and Lanfear seconded to accept the bid from elite Janitorial. There was <br /> an increase but it included the cleaning of the Federal Building. Arnold, Bredthauer, Lancaster, <br /> Lanfear, Quandt and Richardson all voted yes and none voted no. Schuppan was absent. <br /> Motion carried. <br /> Mr. Humphrey stated there have been some issues and somethings are not being done and <br /> they will be addressed. <br /> Mr. Humphrey stated that the well for the park broke down and they will have to replace the <br /> pump. This is a 5 inch pipe it will be the pipe stem and the motor. He has 3 quotes and the low <br /> bid is from $9,850.90 from Robins. <br /> He also noted that on June 6, 2018 HHS received proposal for new space for the HHS people <br /> and they will make a selection by June 26'"they are to move no later than September 30th <br /> Mr. Humphrey stated he is not sure how this will affect the county. <br /> Quandt noted that we have to provide so much space and ask if the county would have to pay <br /> rent. They do not know at this time and will just have to wait and see what happens. <br /> 7A) DISCUSSION ON CHANGES TO THE BUDGET WITH THE UNDERSTANDING THAT <br /> ANY AND ALL OTHER BUDGET AND ALL OTHER BUDGET CONCERNS WILL BE MADE IN <br /> COMPLIANCE WITH THE AUDIT STANDARDS AND LAWS BY THE END OF THE FISCAL <br /> YEAR - Brad Fegley stated that they were sue this was going to go over but they need to wait <br /> until the next meeting to determine exactly how much will be needed and make the changes at <br /> that time. They will also check all of the other funds. <br /> B) DISCUSS &APPROVE RESOLUTION FOR ADDITIONAL APPROPRIATIONS FOR THE <br /> JUSTICE SYSTEM BUDGET—this item will not need to be addressed. <br /> COMMITTEE OR BOARD MEMBER REPORTS—The public defender committee met and at <br /> the next meeting you will be discussion to hire an additional full time attorney for the public <br /> defender. The work load is such that they are dropping cases so if there is another attorney it <br /> should lower spending for court appointed attorneys and juvenile attorneys. There were line <br /> items added to track the costs and they continue to go up. <br /> Bredthauer reported that the Historical Society questioned if Grand Island East Cemetery is <br /> being take care of and who is responsible for mowing it. She will find more information <br /> regarding this. <br /> Lancaster stated that she and Karen attended the County Board workshop and there was <br /> information regarding the opioid addiction problem. <br /> 4. COUNTY ATTORNEY— EXECUTIVE SESSION TO DISCUSS & POTENTIALLY TAKE <br /> ACTION WITH REGARDING TO THE JOHN HAY LAWSUIT REPRESENTATION FOR THE <br /> COUNTY AND IT'S EMPLOYEES BOTH IN THEIR PROFESSIONAL AND INDIVIDUAL <br /> CAPACITY— Lancaster made a motion and Arnold seconded to go into executive session <br /> regarding discussion and action regarding the John Hay lawsuit. There are two reasons for an <br /> executive session to prevent needles harm or injury to an individual or to protect the public <br /> interest. Arnold, Bredthauer, Lancaster, Lanfear, Quandt and Richardson all voted yes and <br /> none voted no. Schuppan was absent. Motion carried. <br /> 1:30 executive session <br /> 13 <br />