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5b) AUTHORIZE CHAIR TO SIGN 5311 FUNDING APPLICATION — Lancaster made a motion <br /> and Quandt seconded to authorize the Chair to sign the 5311 funding application. Arnold, <br /> Bredthauer, Lancaster, Lanfear, Quandt, Richardson and Schuppan all voted yes and none <br /> voted no. <br /> 5c) AUTHORIZE CHAIR TO SIGN SUBCONTRACT AGREEMENT BETWEEN HALL COUNTY <br /> AND SENIOR CITIZENS INDUSTRIES - Lancaster made a motion and Quandt seconded to <br /> authorize the Chair to sign the subcontract agreement with Senior Citizens Industries. Arnold, <br /> Bredthauer, Lancaster, Lanfear, Quandt, Richardson and Schuppan all voted yes and none <br /> voted no. <br /> 8. FACILITIES UPDATE—Arnold sated that the facilities committee met and they discussed the <br /> courthouse windows. Mr. Humphrey was present and thanked the board for the new pickup. <br /> They received it early and drove to Anderson ford in Lincoln to pick it up. <br /> Mr. Humphrey stated that Weathercraft is working on the repairs to the skylight and they are <br /> about half done. They are removing the copper and have to make each piece match. They are <br /> one of the few companies that do this kind of work. <br /> He stated that at the last meeting the county board approved making a mock up window for the <br /> courthouse but it is on hold because the preservation office will not accept it. They expressed <br /> concern that the aluminum frame is too large. He is working with State Glass to see if they can <br /> make a smaller frame. Schuppan expressed concern that it is a slow process. <br /> Richardson noted that it seems they want an architect for anything that is done and the architect <br /> costs are more that the project. <br /> Arnold also expressed concern that they require an architect on every project and what you gain <br /> in the tax credits is less than the cost of the architect. He questioned what the incentive to keep <br /> a building historically the same. They may have to consider giving up the tax credits. <br /> Lancaster stated she would like to see the pros and cons. It is nice but is it financially beneficial <br /> to try and keep them. We may need to take a strong look at this. <br /> Mr. Humphrey stated that the public wants to keep it a working Courthouse it is a landmark for <br /> Hall County. He will keep the board informed. <br /> Bredthauer quoted an article regarding the tax credits noting a study quoting what the tax <br /> credits have added to the state of Nebraska. The impact is felt across the State and the article <br /> talked about the Hall County Courthouse. <br /> Lancaster noted the study that was done to connect the Courthouse with the Annex building to <br /> expand the court services. That was a nightmare and expensive. There was also concern on <br /> how this would affect the historical design. <br /> 6.10:15 A.M. BID OPENING COMMISSARY SERVICES, ACCOUNTING SOFTWARE, <br /> COMPUTER HARDWARE & SUPPORT—Quandt made a motion and Lancaster seconded to <br /> open the bid for the commissary services. Arnold, Bredthauer, Lancaster, Lanfear, Quandt, <br /> Richardson and Schuppan all voted yes and none voted no. <br /> 5 <br />