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9:05 a.m. held a Board of Equalization meeting <br /> 9:11 a.m. adjourned the Board of Equalization meeting and returned to the regular meeting. <br /> PUBLIC Participation — Lancaster stated that today is Austin Koehler's last day at the Hall <br /> County Board meetings and presented him with a candy bouquet. He is taking another position <br /> with the Independent. <br /> 4. COUNTY ATTORNEY— EXECUTIVE SESSION CONCERNING LEGAL ADVICE DUE TO <br /> THREATENED LITIGATION -- Lancaster made a motion and Quandt seconded to go into <br /> executive session regarding legal advice. This executive session is to prevent needles injury to <br /> an individual and to protect the public interest. Arnold, Bredthauer, Lancaster, Lanfear, Quandt, <br /> Richardson and Schuppan all voted yes and none voted no. Motion carried. <br /> 9:13 a.m. Executive session <br /> 9:27 a.m. Lancaster made a motion and Lanfear seconded to go out of executive session. <br /> Richardson stated no other subjects were discussed no votes were taken and no action was <br /> taken. Arnold, Bredthauer, Lancaster, Lanfear, Quandt, Richardson and Schuppan all voted <br /> yes and none voted no. Motion carried. <br /> Lancaster made a motion and Quandt seconded to retain Woods and Aitken to do an <br /> investigation regarding an employee complaint. Arnold, Bredthauer, Lancaster, Lanfear, <br /> Quandt, Richardson and Schuppan all voted yes and none voted no. Motion carried. <br /> 8. FACILITIES AGENDA SCOTT ARNOLD <br /> a) DISCUSSION & POSSIBLE ACTION REGARDING PROPOSAL FOR MOCK UP WINDOW <br /> FOR HALL COUNTY COURTHOUSE —Mr. Humphrey stated they are suggesting to do a mock <br /> up window for the Courthouse but the preservation office recommends that the county board <br /> hire an architect for this project. He contacted consultant Bryn Zimmer an architect out of <br /> Omaha and he was going to talk to Ryan Reid with the preservation office, this will be at no cost <br /> to the county. Loran stated that they have worked on one window and followed the instructions <br /> on how to preserve it and it is a time consuming process. It just needs to be painted now. He <br /> brought this to the committee and they would like to see if they could have a mock up window <br /> made and he has a proposal from State Glass in the amount of$2,325.00. They would have to <br /> provide pictures of it and the preservation office would have to approve it. Loran stated that he <br /> has not been able to find a copy of the blueprint details for the windows in the Courthouse. The <br /> State Historical Society does have a copy of the blue prints. Each window is different so they <br /> would all have to be custom made. <br /> Bredthauer questioned if it would be the bronze color and the aluminum frames. Loran stated <br /> they would be and they would all have to be individually made to fit the openings. They would <br /> all be the same price. <br /> Quandt questioned if the openings are square and Loran stated they are but they are all a <br /> different size. <br /> Arnold made a motion and Lanfear seconded to approve the proposal from State Glass for a <br /> mock up window for the Courthouse. Arnold, Bredthauer, Lancaster, Lanfear, Quandt, <br /> Richardson and Schuppan all voted yes and none voted no. Motion carried. <br /> 3 <br />