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7/20/2015 10:45:52 AM
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7/20/2015 10:45:52 AM
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Lancaster questioned if the board could have the population information and Mr. Essman stated <br /> that he would give the board the information. Discussion was held on the counties that are in <br /> the array. <br /> Jan Pelland questioned if the county assessor position was compared to another county <br /> assessor and Mr. Essman stated it was. <br /> Quandt questioned if by just moving into the MSA would the county compare to the city. Mr. <br /> Essman stated that there are specific rules according to state statutes that have to be followed. <br /> Schuppan expressed concern that the current step system has changed because of the MSA. <br /> Mr. Essman stated that the MSA has affected Hamilton and Howard counties. <br /> Steve expressed concern on the current step system and because of MSA it has changed other <br /> counties. <br /> Arnold questioned the number of steps that can be used and Mr. Essman stated that there is <br /> not a universal number it is up to the county what they want to do. <br /> Mr. Essman stated that the other section of the study is the wage and benefits section of the <br /> survey. In the market they cannot compare the defined contribution with the defined benefits. <br /> Discussion was held on the value of the health insurance but that is not considered. <br /> The board discussed the alignment of some of the job descriptions and it was decided to have <br /> Mr. Essman proceed with the alignment and provide the board with the revised pages. <br /> Chairman Arnold called for questions. The board needs to decide how to move forward. Mr. <br /> Essman will forward the alignment suggestions. Schuppan suggested that the personnel <br /> committee meet before the next board meeting and decide how they want to proceed. <br /> Lancaster noted the pros and cons regarding steps and setting a minimum and maximum <br /> range. Mr. Essman stated that without steps it gives the department head more latitude <br /> regarding salaries but it is harder to manage. <br /> Mr. Arnold stated that he is on steps and when the city made changes he moved up over a <br /> three year period. With steps if an employee has completed another year they have gained <br /> more experience and you can take steps away or freeze an employee's steps. <br /> Mr. Quandt asked how many of the counties have county managers and human resource <br /> departments. He will get that information. <br /> Chairman Arnold stated that there will be no executive session. <br /> 1 NEW OR UNFINISHED BUSINESS — Chairman Arnold called for new or unfinished business <br /> and no one responded. <br /> Me ti g adjour d at :19 p.m. The next regular meeting will be March 10, 2015/ <br /> arl J. Corffley Hall u ty Clerk <br /> L_.. ..:* <br /> I <br />
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