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Discussion was held on the case in Phelps County and Mr. Arnold asked Mr. Zitterkopf if they <br /> completed the project and he stated that they did, the Phelps County supervisors contacted the <br /> local contractors. <br /> Mr. Schuppan questioned how many bids packets went out and Mr. Humphrey stated that 25 <br /> plans when through A&D and there is a $100.00 fee for each set. One of the bids went to <br /> county court. <br /> Mr. McFarland ask if contractors attended the mandatory walk through and Mr. Humphrey <br /> stated that Johnson Controls, Mid Plains Construction, Lacy Construction, Werner's, GSC <br /> Unlimited, Ensley Electric, Winfrey's and several others were there. <br /> The meeting on December 19th will need to be canceled. Mr. Arnold expressed concern having <br /> the bids during the holidays. Mr. Schuppan suggested hold the bid opening on January 13, <br /> 2015. <br /> The vote on the motion to not open the bids was taken. Arnold, Lancaster, McFarland, Purdy, <br /> Quandt, Schuppan and Ziola all voted yes and none voted no. Motion carried. <br /> B) DISCUSSION AND POSSIBLE ACTION REGARDING SPECIAL BOARD MEETING ON <br /> DECEMBER 19 2014 - McFarland made a motion and Quandt seconded to cancel the meeting <br /> scheduled for Friday December 19, 2014. Arnold, Lancaster, McFarland, Purdy, Quandt, <br /> Schuppan and Ziola all voted yes and none voted no. Motion carried <br /> 5 C) BID OPENING FOR COURTHOUSE HVAC PROJECT—Quandt made a motion and <br /> Purdy seconded to set the bid opening for the Courthouse HVAC project for January 13, 2015 at <br /> 10:00 a.m. with the bids due to the County Clerk by Monday January 12, 2015 at 5:00 p.m. <br /> Arnold, Lancaster, McFarland, Purdy, Quandt, Schuppan and Ziola all voted yes and none <br /> voted no. Motion carried <br /> Mr. Zitterkopf asked who should return the bids and the County Clerk was instructed to return <br /> the bids to the contractors. <br /> 8 .MCDERMOTT & MILLER - HALL COUNTY AUDIT PRESENTATION — Philip Erb with <br /> McDermott Miller was present. He was the audit manager for the job. He thanked the board for <br /> the opportunity to be auditors for Hall County and thanked the county employees. They also <br /> met with the audit committee before they started the audit. <br /> He reviewed the audit letter and covered the responsibilities regarding the financial statements. <br /> The ethics compliance requires that they are independent from Hall County. The financial <br /> estimates are the county budget. <br /> • He reviewed page 3 no disagreement with management <br /> • The management representation letter all information was complete and accurate <br /> • Reviewed page 67 regarding segregation of duties due to the limited number of <br /> employees <br /> • Cash management and general procedures only one finding regarding the reconciliation <br /> of the cash for the Register of Deeds <br /> • Page 68 motor vehicle sales tax forms if not paid in 30 days have a penalty some were <br /> charged and some were not charged the penalty this was discussed <br /> • There was an overpayment to a vendor but the overpayment was returned <br /> 4 <br />