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<br />9'S F- 3~? <br /> <br />'I <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br /> <br />~vr.~ ~~~) . <br />Committee Member Tammie Stelk <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />Member Jean Fisher <br /> <br />Motion by Hartman, seconded by Stelk to accept. Insurance Committee recommenda- <br />tion to hire consultant Brent Hilier to study insurance options at the costs <br />of $2800.00 and to send him a letter. Abernethy, Hartman, Landis, Leslie, <br />Quandt, Rosenkotter and Stelk voted yes, none voted no. Motion Approved. <br /> <br />Discussed the letter prepared to send to Blue Cross Blue Shield requesting <br />Claim payment information for NACO subgroup 03l06AD. <br />Motion by Landis,- seconded by Hartman to send letter prepared by Deputr <br />County Attorney and request reply within 30 days. Abernethy, Hart~~n, Land1s, <br />Leslie, Quandt, Rosenkotter and Stelk voted yes, none voted no. Mot1on Approved. <br /> <br />Abernethy reported on proposed changes for restroom at Courthouse remodeling <br />project. Building & Grounds Superintendent Rick Stepanek had recommended one <br />new lavatory and one new stool. <br />Motion by Landis, seconded by Stelk to approve the change o:d7r request <br />to purchase new lavatory and stool and to notify Stepanek of dec1s1on. Aber- <br />nethy, Hartman, Landis, Leslie, Rosenkotter and Stelk voted yes, Quandt voted <br />no. Motion Approved. <br />'fi.. _.__._ <br />Motion by Stelk, seconded by Rosenkotter to invite Jay Garroutte to Executive <br />Session at Board of Corrections Meeting next week, November 21. Abernethy, <br />Hartman, Landis, Leslie, Quandt, Rosenkotter and Stelk voted yes, none voted <br />no. Motion Approved. <br /> <br />Discussion on packets of materials Board Assistant had prepared for each <br />Board Members. <br /> <br />Recessed for Board of Equalization meeting at 2:50 P.M. and returned to <br />regular session at 3:15 P.M. <br /> <br />Ellen Merrill, County Board Assistant gave weekly update report. <br />(1) had card for members to sign to send to Ron Barlow, County Government Day <br />student (2) Had prepared letters for signatures to NIRMA, State Senators, <br />Hugh Minor Fonner Park and Chris Lewis. (3) discussed refinishing 12 Oak <br />chairs by Building & Grounds Department for use in meeting room off her office <br />at cost of $18.00 per chair. (4) obtained a filing cabinet from list for <br />surplus auction available for Board members use (5) send letter to people on <br />Volunteer list for Visitors Promotion Board Appointment (6) report on survey <br />for refrigerator for employees lounge in Administration Building <br />Motion by Landis, seconded by Leslie to authorize Board Assistant to <br />have the oak chairs refinished. Abernethy, Hartman, Landis, Leslie, Quandt, <br />Rosenkotter and Stelk voted yes, none voted no. Motion Approved. <br />Motion by Stelk, seconded by Hartman to approve purchase of refrigerator <br />from Peters Hardware, Wood River for $499.00 delivered and installed and pay <br />from miscellaneous, Miscellaneous General budget. Abernethy, Hartman, Landis, <br />Leslie, Quandt, Rosenkotter and Stelk voted yes, none voted no. Motion Approved. <br /> <br />Supervisor Quandt asked about minutes from meetings and committee meetings <br />being voted on by board members. <br />Motion by Quandt, seconded by Hartman that minutes have motion and second <br />and voted on by Board members.for approval. Hartman,Leslie and Quandt voted <br />yes, Abernethy, Landis, Rosenkotter.and Stelk voted no. Motion Failed. <br /> <br />BOARD MEMBER REPORTS: <br /> <br />Quandt - none <br /> <br />Rosenkotter - Economic Development Corp meeting, Courthouse construction <br />meeting, County Government Day and Bookmobile dedication. <br /> <br />Hartman - Mid Plains Center meeting, Mid Nebrask~ Individual Services <br />monthly meeting and placed on file in Board Assistant's office <br />minutes, audits and other information. <br /> <br />Leslie - Each had report on measuring of Safety Center, Jim Cannon has <br />agreed to oversee measuring at no cost to county. <br /> <br />Landis - Meeting in Lincoln last week with Public Service Commission in <br />regard to railroad spur. <br />