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<br />CjSF,3c:?Y <br /> <br />-2 <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />.. <br /> <br />~-- ~ ~ <br /> <br /> <br />K2;~'~~ <br /> <br /> <br />Judy Rosenkotter - absent <br /> <br />Resolution #1678 in regard to setting salary for Election Commissioner was <br />read. Motion by Stelk, seconded by Landis to adopt Resolution #1678 but <br />following discussion on the insurance coverage in the resolution, the motion <br />and second was withdrawn, until Deputy Attorney Janulewicz could explain the <br />wording. <br /> <br />Motion by Quandt, seconded by Hartman to accept and place on file the County <br />Treasurer's miscellaneous receipts. Abernethy, Hartman, Landis, Leslie, <br />Quandt and Stelk voted yes, none voted no, with Rosenkotter absent. Motion <br />'carried. . <br /> <br />State of Nebraska, highway allocation (road fund) 113,361.06 <br />Estate of Marie 0 Thomazin, inheritance tax (inheritance) 2,491.38 <br />Hall Co Treasurer, distress warrant fees (general) lo.on <br />James G Waters, work release Douglas Co (general) 154.00 <br />Hall Co Court, bond forfeiture (general) 393.97 <br />Hall Co Court, reimbursment witness fees (general) 40.00 <br />Clerk District Court, board (general) 196.00 <br />Clerk District Court, copies (general) 223.85 <br />Clerk District Court, interest for September (general) 12.68 <br />Hall Co Attorney, insufficient fund check service charge (general) 14.00 <br />Bank of Doniphan, interest (general) 3,276.71 <br />Howard Co Treasurer, transfer (School Dist #100 bond fund) 12,500.00 <br />Hall Co Treasurer, distress warrant (general) 8.00 <br />Hazel Adle Anderson, inheritance tax (inheritance) 1,105.09 <br />NIRMA, loss of time-Morgan (general) 2,800.00 <br />Village of AIda, law enforcement contract (general) 1,200.00 <br />Lorene Johnson Estate, inheritance tax (inheritance) 10,069.10 <br />Randy Rose, work release Adams Co (general) 49.00 <br />Coco Cola Bottling, commissions (general) 500.64 <br />Village of Cairo, law enforcement contract (general) 1,200.00 <br />City of Grand Island, city share County/City Bldg (general) 2,792.21 <br />Hall Co Treasurer, distress earrant fee (general) 2.00 <br />Hall Co Court, bond forfeiture (general) 40.90 <br />H~ll Co Court, bond forfeitures (general) 693.00 <br />Hall Co Dept of Corrections, houeing Adams Co inmates (general) 2,778.10 <br />Hall Co Dept of Corrections, housing Howard Co inmates (general) 1,538.64 <br />Hall Co Dept of Corrections, pay phone commission (general) 8.38 <br />Hall Co Treasurer, tax search, (general) 20.00 <br />Register of Deeds, September fees (general) 13,195.45 <br />Boyd County, General Assistance reimbursement (Dependent) 91.00 <br />Hall Co Sheriff, motor vehicle inspections (general) 580.00 <br />Hall Co Sheriff, handgun application (general) 5.00 <br />Merrtck Co Treasurer, transfers (School Dist #lR, #2, #82a~Hgr~1 33,726.62 <br />Merr1ck Co Treasurer, transfers(School,Dist #lR #2 #82 &fire Dist3,974.l2 <br />Buffalo Co Treasurer, transfer School D1St #100 bond 988.87 <br />Hall Co Court, witness fees, general) 7.00 <br />Merrick County, general assistance reimbursement (Dependent) 5.81 <br />NIRMA, insurance damage (general) 7,002.11 <br />Hall Co Treasurer, distress warrant fee (general) 4.00 <br />First American Real Estate Services, tax search (general) 16.20 <br />Hall Co Court, reimbursment witness & mileage fees (general) 76.40 <br />Hall Co Treasurer, distress warrant fees (general) 8.00 <br />City of Grand Island, E911 loan payment (inheritance) 2,300.00 <br />Randy Rose, work r1ease Adams Co. (general) 49.00 <br />Randy G1ause, insufficient fund check charge (general) 10.00 <br />Clerk District Court, board (general) 217.00 <br />Barney McGahan, filing fee, State Legislator . (general) 120.00 <br />Velma Smith Estate, inheritance tax (inheritance) 68.00 <br />Estate of Rosella Dennon Reutlinger, inheritance tax (inheritance) 2,054.35 <br />Hall Co Treasurer, distress warrant fees (general) 8.00 <br />Hall Co Sheriff, motor vehicle inspection (general) 480.00 <br />Clerk District Court, September fees (general) 4,131.60 <br />Clerk District Court, court costs,bond, fines & atty(School &Gen~) 2,070.55 <br />State of Nebraska, August lodgin tax (Visitors Promotion fund) 24,041.35 <br /> <br />~~,';... ~. "'1 ....... ~r,......... ~~ .Ie ...... ~_ ~_~r....; ..II... ...... 11 ..~..... 'r'..........I'~ ~:;:tI ,_ .H... _, J~ .... ..~ .....1h.,.........~ Jt... ...., ''''''I. ,~..... <br /> J!.. _,..", ,r ..', ".'h 1h, ...........~ ~t... _, '"""_,,,",,, , 11 'I":ll t:' ,r'1, l'lI <br />