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<br />95P-.:l3:l-,. . <br /> <br />~ "----00 <br />in the amount of ECJo. a'OD ~ <br />/ ...... <br /> <br />NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED 'by the Hall County Board of Supervisors <br /> <br />that on behalf of the County of Hall,. they do hereby approve the change <br />f <br />of the above bonds as collateral for County ,funds now on deposit in said <br /> <br />~ <br /> <br />bank. <br /> <br />ADOPTED THIS <br /> <br />t?\5 day of 9 -dJ!r.r ~ 9 q.5 <br /> <br />~_ ~/W<,~ <br /> <br />Cl'\.ai rman <br /> <br /> <br />OftlQ~ <br /> <br /> <br />~~'-\~ ~ <br /> <br />COMMUNICATIONS <br /> <br />The following communciations were read: <br /> <br />A letter from the Nebraska Commission onLaw Enforcement and Criminal <br />Justice informing the board of the annual inspection of the jail on <br />August 10. <br /> <br />A letter from Nebraska Intergovernmental Risk Management Association <br />reporting to the board on the June 19, 1995, inspection of the Hall <br />County Administration Building, Social Services Office and the County <br />Jail Complex. Th~found no conditions that would be detrimental. <br /> <br />The communications were accepted and placed on file. <br /> <br />BOARD ASSISTANT ELLEN MERRILL <br /> <br />Merrill presented letters to the board for their signatures and <br />will forward letters to the new members of the Health Board. <br /> <br />BOARD MEMBERS REPORTS <br /> <br />Stelk - She reported that the executive committee for the Midland <br />Area on Aging met Monday conerning Mr. Ryans evaluation and they <br />will be making a recommendation to the full board. Mr. Ryan is <br />requesting a 3.5% increase and the committee will recommend a 2% <br />increase. <br /> <br />Landis - She reported on the scope of work that was sent to Tom Shay <br />was not accepted. They may call CoL Atkins on this. <br /> <br />Hartman - He gave a brief report on the Mid Plains meeting. <br /> <br />Rosenkotter - She attended the Economic Development Corporation <br />meeting. <br /> <br />UNFINISHED BUSINESS <br /> <br />Abernethy read the letter requesting topics to be discussed at.the <br />state convention. Discussion was held on the boards requests. <br /> <br />12:00 P.M. Recessed until 1:30 P.M. <br /> <br />1:30 P.M. Returned to regular session. <br /> <br />The Hall County Treasurer's Miscellaneous Receipts were presented <br />to the Board. Quandt made a motion and Hartman seconded to accept <br />the Hall County Treasurer's Miscellaneous Receipts and place on file. <br />Abernethy, Hartmand, Landis, Leslie, Quandt,Rosenkotter and Stelk all <br />u,., 1Tac: ;:Inn nnn~ '7;,i~PI~' Ir,l"l <br />