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<br />9tr-/73 <br /> <br />COUNTY BOARD ASSISTANT REPORT: Ellen Merrill, County Board Assistant gave <br />weekly progress report. Grand Island Area Chamber.of.Commer~e wi~l hold. <br />meeting on Wednesday, June 19th at 9:00 a.m. fo: Trl Clty Leglslat7ve Commlttee <br />meeting and invited Board Members. Abernethy wlll attend the meetlng. <br />Merrill asked if board members wished to meet with department heads in regard <br />to budget request, need to look at time frame and schedule of hearings. <br />Discussion followed and determined to hold Budget Worksessions on August 7, <br />8 and 9th from 9:00 a.m. until 12:00 noon each day. <br /> <br />;t. <br /> <br />BOARD MEMBER REPORTS: <br /> <br />Quandt - none. Quandt offered to serve on commmittee assignments left vacant <br />by Rosenkotter's resignation until new person is appointed to County <br />Board. <br /> <br />Landis - Has Central Nebraska Community Services Board meeting today at <br />5:00 p.m. in Loup City and she has conflict and will be unable to <br />attend and asked if any board member could attend meeting. (None of <br />Board Members were able to go on such short notice) Landis also <br />stated she would be unable to attend Audit Committee meeting on Wed- <br />nesday, May 22nd. <br /> <br />Hartman - Public Works Committee will have meeting Wednesday, May 22nd at <br />9:00 at Public Works Director's office. Presented report on <br />Mid Plains Center meeting and gave copy of written expense and <br />financial reports for Board members to review if they wished to, <br />Mid Nebr along with copy of audit report. He reported the annual banquet for <br />Indivldual was held last Wednesday night with 178 people attending. <br />serVlces <br />Abernethy - Attended DARE 'graduation at Doniphan School. <br /> <br />Leslie - Attended NIRMA Board Meeting in Lincoln yesterday (May 20th) <br /> <br />Stelk - None. <br /> <br />She stated this will be busy week for meetings. <br /> <br />County Clerk presented copy for review of the Orders for motion for summary <br />Judgment on the two retirement cases now pending in District Court of Lancaster <br />County, Nebraska received from Attorney Vincent Valentinor <br />County Clerk read letter she received from Judy Rosenkotter "Please accept my <br />resignation from the elected position of Hall County Supervisor representing <br />District number five. Effective immediately." <br />Motion by Quandt, seconded by Abernethy to send recognition to Rosenkotter <br />for services on County Board. Abernethy, Hartman, Landis, Leslie, Quandt and <br />Stelk voted yes, none voted no. Motion carried. <br /> <br />Chair Stelk received letter from Doris Mason, County Treasurer in regard to <br />Customer Service Committee. Stelk appointed Supervisors Hartman, Landis, <br />and Quandt to serve on committee with County Treasurer Doris Mason and <br />representatives from County Clerk and County Assessor also. Doris Mason to <br />chair the committee. <br /> <br />Motion by Hartman, seconded by Landis to not video or tape record the inter- <br />views on Insurance this afternoon at 1:30 Abernethy, Hartman, Landis, <br />Leslie, Quandt and Stelk voted yes, none voted no. Motion carried. <br /> <br />Chairman Stelk recessed the meeting at 12:07 p.m. to return at 1:30 p.m. <br />for insurance companies interviews. <br /> <br />RETURNED TO REGULAR BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MEETING at 1:30 p.m. with Abernethy, <br />Hartman, Landis, Leslie, Quandt and Stelk present. Also present were 14 <br />County officials and employees, 3 people from the public, and 8 insurance <br />representatives. <br /> <br />Motion by <br />insurance <br />morning. <br />none voted <br /> <br />Quandt, seconded by Abernethy to audio tape the interviews with <br />interviews this afternoon. Had misunderstood the motion taken this <br />Abernethy, Hartman, Landis, Leslie, Quandt and Stelk voted yes, <br />no. Motion carried. <br /> <br />1:30 P.M. Mid American Insurance Group Inc, representatives Lee Johnson <br />and Alex McPherson spoke and answered questions. <br /> <br />2:00 P.M. Regional Insurance Managers, representatives Rich Bukovinsky and <br />Ray Meyer spoke and answered questions. <br /> <br />2:30 P.M. Blue Cross Blue Shield, represented by Jack Mills Executive Director <br />NACO for the group insurance, also speaking were Al Gilmore and Ken <br />Dustin. Presented new list of PPO providers in Nebraska. <br /> <br />3:23 P.M. Break was called by Chairman Stelk. <br />Returned to regular session. <br />