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SIGNING RESOLUTION <br /> SUPPLEMENTAL PROJECT PROGRAM AGREEMENT NO. 1 —BM1273 <br /> ,. <br /> Hall County <br /> Resolution No. — � <br /> Whereas: Hall County and Nsbraska Department of Roads (NDOR) have previously executed <br /> Project Program Agreem�nt BM1273 for a transportation project for which the Local I�ubiic <br /> Agency (LPA)would like to obtain Federal funds; <br /> Whereas: Hall Cnunty understands that it must continue to strictiy follow all Federal, State and <br /> local laws, rules, regulations, policies and guidelines applicable to the funding of the Federal-aid <br /> project; and <br /> Whereas: Wall County and NDOR wish to enter inta Supplemental Program Agreemen# Na. 1 <br /> setting out modifications and/or additional duties and/o�funding responsibilities for the Federal- <br /> aid project. <br /> Be It Resolved: by the Baard of Supervisors of Hall County, Nebraska that: <br /> Pamela Lancaster, Chair of the Hall County Board of Supervisors is hereby authorizEd to sign <br /> the attached Supplemental Program Agreement Na. 1 between Hall County and the NDOR. <br /> Hall County is committed to providing local funds for the project as required by the Project <br /> Program Agreement and any Supplemental Project Program Agreements. <br /> NDOR Project Number: BRO-7040(25) <br /> NC70R Gontrol Number: 42322 <br /> Project L.ocation: Grand Island Northwest <br /> Adopted this��day of , 2013 at I Nebraska. <br /> (Mont (Year) <br /> 7he Board of Supervisors of Hall County, Nebraska <br /> SCOTT ARNOLD GARY QUANDT <br /> PAMELA LAI�TCASTER STEVE SCHUPPA.N <br /> BOB MCFARLAND <br /> DAN PURDY <br /> Board/Council Member <br /> Moved the adoption of said resolutian <br /> Member GARY QUANAT _Seconded the Motion <br /> Roll Call: �,^Yes No Abstained Absent <br /> Resolution adopted, signed and billed as adopted <br /> Attest: <br /> Signat re of unty Clerk <br />