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<br />91;: 011/ <br /> <br />.~ <br /> <br />; .# <br /> <br />HALL COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MEETING AUGUST 12, 1997 <br /> <br />The Hall County Board of Supervisors met from adjourned session <br />and by published call August 12, 1997, at 9:00 a.m. in the County <br />Board meeting room, 121 South Pine, Grand Island, Nebraska. <br /> <br />CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Chairman Huey <br />Long. <br /> <br />INVOCATION: Invocation was given by Irene Abernethy'. <br /> <br />ROLL CALL: Present on roll call were Irene Abernethy, Pamela <br />Lancaster, Margaret Landis, Huey Long, Gary Quandt and Tammie <br />Stelk. Hartman arrived at 9:10 a.m. Also present were news <br />media representatives from KRGI and the Grand Island Independent. <br /> <br />MINUTES OF THE AUGUST 5 MEETING: Corrections were made to the <br />minutes and Stelk made a motion and Abernethy seconded to accept <br />and place on file the minutes of August 5. Abernethy, Hartman, <br />Lancaster, Landis, Long, Quandt and Stelk all voted yes and none <br />voted no. Motion carried. <br /> <br />COUNTY ATTORNEY: Deputy County Attorney Jerry Janulewicz was <br />present and he had provided the board members with a letter <br />addressing the outside counsel for county officials. He <br />recommended that a resolution be drawn up regarding this. The <br />board requested that Jerry prepare a resolution for next week. <br /> <br />APPROVE SPECS FOR TOWER: Janulewicz stated he reviewed the specs <br />regarding the bidding process and they are in proper form. This <br />is for a 20 ft masonry building and the bids will be opened <br />September 2, 1997, 10:00 a.m. Vic Aufdemberge, with Aufdemberge <br />Architecture, 403 East First, answered questions on the structure <br />and left a copy of the plans for the board to review. The <br />materials used for the construction will be low maintenance and <br />the roof has double the structural requirements. Stelk made a <br />motion and Landis seconded to approve the specs as reviewed by <br />Jerry Janulewicz and set the bid opening for September 2, 1997, <br />at 10:00 a.m. Abernethy, Hartman, Lancaster, Landis, Long, <br />Quandt and Stelk all voted yes and none voted no. Motion <br />carried. <br /> <br />DISCUSSION ON RESOLUTION CONCERNING SALARY AND BENEFITS: The <br />board members received a sample resolution concerning the <br />percentage increases for the 1997-1998, 1998-1998 and 1999-2000 <br />budget years. If the elected and appointed officials make the <br />commitment to go along with the increases the board will <br />guarantee the insurance will remain the same. Discussion was <br />held on the salaries of the deputies and the board stated they <br />will do a survey later concerning this. Abernethy stated that <br />NACO will be doing a salary survey for the elected officials <br />this fall. Stelk stated the appointed officials should be added <br />to this resolution concerning the merit increases. Stelk made a <br />motion and Abernethy seconded to approve resolution #97-0057 and <br />to add the appointed officials to the resolution. Quandt stated <br />that the appointed officials should be included in the resolution, <br />but he felt that this was premature because the union <br />negotiations have not been settled and everyone should be <br />treated the same. This resolution was intended as a show of good <br />faith on the part of the County Board. Hartman suggested making <br />three separate resolutions. Stelk suggested to add the appointed <br />officials 3% increases for this budget year only to the <br />resolution. Landis called for the question. Abernethy, Hartman, <br />Lancaster, Landis, Long and Stelk all voted yes and Quandt voted <br />no. Motion carried. <br /> <br />/ <br />