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<br />97~- /0</ <br /> <br />ill "Ground water" means water occurring beneath the surface of the ground that fills available <br />openings in rock or soil materials such that they may be considered saturated. <br /> <br />jC <br /> <br />Q.H "Immediate incorporation" means the incorporation of land applied paunch manure as soon as <br />feasible to do so, without delay, but in no event not more than four (4) hours following application. <br /> <br />Ql5 "Incorporated" means to work a material into the surface of the soil by plowing, disking or <br />other means. <br /> <br />Ql6. "Land" means any natural or manmade surfaces of the earth, excluding water. <br /> <br />ill "Owner" means the person who owns a facility or land or part of a facility or land. <br /> <br />Q18. "Paunch manure" means partially digested material taken from an animal at the time of <br />slaughter. <br /> <br />ill "Permit" means any permit issued by the Director, by the Director's designated representative, <br />or by the Hall County Board of Supervisors. <br /> <br />.Q2Q. "Person" means any federal agency, individual, partnership, association, public or private <br />corporation, trustee, receiver, assignee, agent, municipality, or governmental subdivision, public <br />agency, officer or governing or managing board of any municipality, governmental subdivision or <br />public agency, or any other legal entity except the Department. <br /> <br />Q2l "Release" means, but is not limited to, any discharging, spilling, leaking, pwnping, emitting, <br />emptying or dumping of paunch manure upon land, beneath the surface of the land, or into waters <br />of the State, either by accident or otherwise. <br /> <br />Q22. "Storage" means the leaving or placing of a material in a location or position other than where <br />it will ultimately reside or be used. <br /> <br />Q21 "Water table" means the surface of underground gravity-controlled water and shall include <br />that water found in the saturated zone beneath the surface of the land. <br /> <br />m "Watercourse" means a natural or manmade channel through which water flows or a stream <br />of water (as a river, book or underground stream). <br /> <br />Q25. "Waters of the state" means all waters within the jurisdiction of this state, including all <br />streams, lakes, ponds, impounding reservoirs, marshes, wetlands, watercourses, waterways, wells, <br />springs, irrigation systems, drainage systems, and all other bodies or accumulations of water, <br />surface or underground, natural or artificial, public or private, situated wholly or partly within or <br />bordering upon the state. <br /> <br />, <br /> <br />Q2Q. "Wetlands" means those areas that are inundated or saturated by surface or groundwater at a <br />frequency and duration sufficient to support, and that under normal circumstances to support, a <br />prevalence of vegetation typically adapted for life in saturated soil conditions. Wetlands generally <br />include swamps, marshes, bogs and similar areas. <br /> <br />Chapter 2 - PERMITS. <br /> <br />Qill. Permit Required. <br /> <br />This chapter applies to all land application of paunch manure. <br /> <br />QQ2. Activities or Operations. <br /> <br />00201 Any person who is proposing to land apply paunch manure shall submit to the <br />Department a permit application on a form designated and furnished by the Department at <br />least thirty (30) days prior to physical construction andlor operation, whichever is <br />applicable; <br /> <br />002.02 The thirty (30) days requirement may be reduced with the approval of the <br />Director; and <br /> <br />002 03 Operation shall not commence until a permit is issued. <br /> <br />001 Contents of Application. <br /> <br />003 0 I All applicants shall provide a Best Management Plan which shall contain the <br />following infonnation: <br />