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<br />'Jf7r- /./~ <br /> <br />1 <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />ATTEST: <br /> <br />~~ <br />HALL UNTY CLERK <br /> <br />Discussed the SkyPark and capital Avenue locations that needs something done <br /> <br />.to repair the road. <br /> <br />Hostler Public Works Director requested authorizatio~ to pl~ce lo~d limits on <br />County roads when roads need them between board meetlngs. Wlll brlng resolu- <br />tion to the next Board Meeting for approval. <br />Motion by Hartman, seconded by Stelk to add request to today's agenda as <br />emergency. Abernethy, Hartman, Lancaster, Landis, Long, Quandt and Stelk voted <br />yes, none voted no. Motion carried. <br /> <br />Motion bv Hartman seconded by Quandt to authorize Hostler to put up load <br />limit signs, if n~cessary, between board mpetings. Abernethy, Hartman, . <br />Lancaster, Landis, Long, Quandt and stelk voted yes, none voted no. Motlon <br /> <br />carried . <br />Supervisor Hartman, Chairman public Works Commlttee requeste~ have res- <br />olution at the next board meeting and to let him know so he can lnform the <br />cornrnrnittee members if they get calls. <br /> <br />CHAIRMAN CALLED 5 MINUTE BREAK <br /> <br />HIRING CONSULTANT FOR BUDGET PREPARATION - Landis, membe~ of audit committee <br />reported on meeting and the discussion on proposals recelved. MCDermo~t.& <br />Miller gave cost range of $8?0.00 to $2200.00 Committee recommends hlrlng <br />McDermott & Miller to help wlth budget. .' <br />Motion by Landis, seconded by Lancaster to hire McDermott & Mllle~ <br />consultant on the Hall County Budget. Discu~sion followed. Questlon was <br />called. -Abernethy, Hartman, Lancaster, Landls, Long, Quandt and Stelk voted <br /> <br />- -_.._._-_.~---------~ _.__._--~~ <br />yes, none voted-rio. Motion carried. <br /> <br />ACCEPT RESIGNATION OF COUNTY CLERK AND APPOINTMENT OF NEW COUNTY CLERK. <br />Motion by Quandt, seconded by Stelk to accept with regret the resignation <br />of Marjorie Haubold as County Clerk as of April 30, 1997. Abernethy, <br />Hartman, Lancaster, Landis, Long, Quandt and Stelk voted yes, none voted no. <br />Motion carried. <br /> <br />Motion by Stelk, seconded by Lancaster to appoint Marla Conley, Deputy County <br />Clerk to fill the unexpired term of County Clerk, effective April 30, 1997. <br />Supervisor Quandt questioned if should advertise for vacancy. <br />Deputy Attorney Janulewicz stated no State Statue requires it. Statute <br />says vacancy is filled by County Board within 45 days. <br />Question was called on motion, Abernethy, Hartman, Lancaster, Landis, <br />Long, Quandt and Stelk voted yes, none voted no. Motion carried. <br /> <br />BOARD OF EQUALIZATION - Motion by Abernethy, seconded by Lancaster to go into <br />Board of Equalization. Abernethy, Hartman, Lancaster, Landis, Long, Quandt <br />and Stelk voted yes, none voted no. Motion Carried. <br />BOARD OF EQUALIZATION 10:36 A.M. and Returned to regular Board of Supervisor <br />meeting at 10:47 a.m. <br /> <br />EXCEL MANAGEMENT AND DEVELOPMENT SERVICES LETTER - Jan Pelland, County <br />Assessor was present and explained the assessing and property tax situation <br />for low income housing projects. <br />Motion by Hartman, seconded by Landis to support <br />Assessor in regard to the Excel Management request. <br />Lancaster, Landis, Long, Quandt and Stelk voted yes, <br />carried. <br /> <br />the decision of County <br />Abernethy, Hartman, <br />none voted no. Motion <br /> <br />REFEREES FOR PROPERTY PROTEST HEARINGS AND OVERVIEW OF 1997 ASSESSMENT CHANGES <br />Jan Pelland, County Assessor spoke and introduced Allen Hansen, Field Liaison <br />for State Property Tax Division. <br />Co Assessor explained the overview of the 1997 Assessment changes. Gave <br />following figures for Hall County: Ag Land 76%; Commercial 95% and residen- <br />tial 93%. She is expecting a large amount of protests this year. She is <br />