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<br /> <br />97r-~/~ <br /> <br />HALL COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS MEETING, JANUARY 21, 1997 <br /> <br />The Hall County Board of Supervisors met at 9:00 a.m. from adjourned <br />session and by published call, in the County Board meeting room, <br />121 South Pine, Grand Island, Nebraska. <br /> <br />CALL TO ORDER: The meeting was called to order by Chair Huey Long. <br /> <br />wNVOCATION: Invocation was given by Rev. Stephen Warriner with <br />Abundant Life Christian Center. <br /> <br />PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: The Pledge of Allegiance was given in unison. <br /> <br />ROLL CALL: Present on roll call were Irene Abernethy, Richard Hartman, <br />Pamela Lancaster, Margaret Landis, Huey Long, Gary Quandt <br />and Tammie Stelk. <br /> <br />PRESENT WERE: Deputy County Attorney Jerom Janulewicz, New media <br />representatives from Grand Island Independent and <br />KRGI. <br /> <br />MINUTES OF JANUARY 14 MEETING: Quandt made a motion and Stelk <br />seconded to accept as received the minutes of January 14. Abernethy, <br />Hartman, Lancaster, Landis, Long, Quandt and Stelk all voted yes and <br />none voted no. Motion carried. <br /> <br />COUNTY ATTORNEY: Deputy County Attorney Jerom Janulewicz was <br />present. Janulewicz presented the agreement for the keno satellite <br />outlet location of Tom Wilde D/B/A Hub Lounge. He recommended <br />the board approve and sign the contract. Quandt made a motion and <br />Hartman seconded to approve and sign the contract with Hub Lounge. <br />Abernethy, Hartman, Lancaster, Landis, Long, Quandt and Stelk all <br />voted yes and none voted no. Motion carried. <br /> <br />The keno satellite agreement with Thorn GI, Inc. D/B/A Mickey Finn's <br />was presented. Janulewicz explained that this was formerly Shannon's <br />Pub and was owned by Diamond D. Diamond D and Thorn GI, Inc., have <br />merged and the business is now called Mickey Finn's. The Nebraska <br />Department of Revenue suggested that the name should be changed. <br />Janulewicz recommended the board approve and sign the contract with <br />Thorn GI, Inc. D/B/A 'Mickey Finn's. Hartman made a motion and Stelk <br />seconded to approve and sign the contract with Thorn GI, Inc. <br />Abernethy, Hartman, Lancaster, Landis, Long, Quandt and Stelk all <br />voted yes and none voted no. Motion carried. <br /> <br /> <br />Janulewicz presented the sub divison agreement with Pine View Acres. <br />A sub divison agreement was drafted and a public hearing was set <br />for January 28 at 7:00 p.m. Under this new agreement no old building <br />will be moved on these lots and any future purchases of the lots <br />would be bound by this sub divison agreement. If there are any <br />violations the County could enforce this agreement. He recommended <br />that the Board approve and authorize the Ch~ir to sign the agreement. <br />Dave Barber also presented information to the board members. He <br />stated that the new agreement would meet all regulations and the <br />final plat could be approved. Attorney Bill Francis answered the <br />board's questions on the location of the lots. Hartman made a motion <br />Quandt seconded to approve and sign the sub division agreement. <br />Hartman amended his motion to sign the final plat and cancel the <br />public hearing scheduled for January 28. Abernethy, Hartman, Lancaster, <br />Landis, Long, Quandt and Stelk all voted yes and none voted no. <br />Motion carried. <br /> <br />Janulewicz presented the asbestoo survey from AMI Group, Inc. for <br />the Hall County Health Department located at 105 East First. The <br />Health Department expressed concerns and Rick Stepanek ana Jerry <br />Janulewicz recommended the survey be done so if there are any <br />problems they could be adressed. Stelk made a motion and Quandt <br />seconded to accept the proposal for $2,300.00 for the asbestos survey. <br />Hartman questioned if there were any building plans. Stelk stated <br />that the Health Department did not have any plans at this time. <br />Landis requested that Stelk follow up on the survey and report to <br />the County Board. Abernethy, Hartman, Lancaster, Landis, Long, <br />Quandt and Stelk all voted yes and none voted no. Motion carried. <br />This is paid from the Building and Grounds budget. <br />