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<br />~F ??:3/~ <br /> <br />DISCUSSION ON LETTER ON RAILROAD CORRIDOR PROPOSAL: The board <br />received a letter from Dan Rosenthal with the Department of <br />Roads, stating that they would not accept Hall County's proposal <br />on the closing of the railroad crossings. They want to close the <br />110th crossing as a safety element and would not proceed unless <br />this is done. Stelk expressed concern at losing the whole <br />project unless the board agrees to close 110th Road. Stelk made <br />a motion and Lancaster seconded to proceed with the project and <br />close 110th Road crossing. Lancaster withdrew her second and <br />Stelk withdrew her motion because they wanted to have another <br />public hearing or contact the people. Discussion was held. <br />Stelk made a motion and Lancaster seconded to close 110th Road <br />and to proceed with the project. Abernethy, Lancaster, Landis, <br />Long, Quandt and Stelk all voted yes and Hartman voted no. <br />Motion carried. <br /> <br />INSTALLATION OF CULVERT ON SKYPARK ROAD: The Hall County Airport <br />Authority is requesting to install this culvert for drainage on <br />the south edge of the airport. Long made a motion and Abernethy <br />seconded to approve installing the culvert on Skypark Road. <br />Abernethy, Lancaster, Landis, Long, and Stelk all voted yes and <br />Quandt and Hartman voted no. Motion carried. <br /> <br />APPROVE RESOLUTION TO APPLY FOR SAFETY FUNDS FOR HAZARD <br />ELIMINATION FOR WOOD RIVER ROAD AND HWY 281 AT BOSSELMANS: Chuck <br />Bosselman is requesting to apply for funds to help with this <br />project because it could be a safety issue. The funding would be <br />in the amount of $100,000.00. Landis made a motion and Lancaster <br />seconded to authorize the chair to sign Resolution #98-0059 to <br />apply for the funding. Abernethy, Hartman, Lancaster, Landis, <br />Long, Quandt and Stelk all voted yes and none voted no. Motion <br />carried. <br /> <br />Resolution crfl-{)(}59 <br />(Program) <br /> <br />SAFETY FUNDS FOR HAZARD ELIMINATION <br />Two caples for Lincoln office ........................HAtL............................... County <br /> <br />.... <br /> <br />Project No. ................. ....... ........ ........................ .... <br />(To be assigned later) <br /> <br />Whereas: Certain roads and streets in said county have been designated as being eligible for federal funds <br />by the Federal Highway Administration in compliance with federal laws pertaining thereto, and, <br /> <br />Whereas: Said county desires to improve a certain portion of the county road system in said county, more <br />fully described hereinafter, now therefore, <br /> <br />Be It Resolved: That the Department of Roads is hereby requested to act for said county and to program <br /> <br /> <br />for construction that portion of county road described as <br />(Use legal subdivisions for termini) <br />