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<br />~ 19990499 <br /> <br />SET PBULIC HEARING FOR APPLICATION OF COMMINTIY DEVELOPMENT <br />BLOCK GRANT FOR AIRPORT AUTHORITY PROJECT: The Hall County Airport <br />Authority discussed the application for a community development block grant with the <br />audit committee October 18 and they have been working with Stew Jones with the <br />Nebraska Department of Economic Development. Janulewicz stated that he received a <br />call from Mr. Jones and they should be able to have the interlocal agreement completed. <br />The county board would need to set a public hearing for December 14 in order to comply <br />with the grant application. If the information is not received it could be pulled from the <br />agenda. Jeffries questioned if the opinion from the Nebraska Department of Revenue on <br />the sales tax exemption for the airport has been received. Lancaster made a motion and <br />Arnold seconded to set the public hearing for December 14, 1999 at 10:30 a.m. for the <br />application for the community development block grant for the airport authority. Arnold, <br />Hartman, Jeffries, Lancaster, Landis and Logan all voted yes and none voted no with <br />Stelk absent. Motion carried. <br /> <br />COMMITTEE RECOMMENDATION BUILDING & GROUNDS FOR COUNTY <br />ATTORNEY REMODELING PROJECT AND PHONE LINES: Logan stated that a <br />committee recommendation was included in the board members packets regarding the <br />remodeling projects along with copies of the informal bids. Logan made a motion and <br />Arnold seconded to accept the low bid from Baker Development for the remodeling <br />projects. Arnold, Hartman, Jeffries, Lancaster, Landis and Logan all voted yes and none <br />voted no with Stelk absent. Motion carried. <br /> <br />Information was also included in the packets on moving the phone lines for the county <br />attorney's office. Howard Maxon explained the two options to provide the necessary <br />phone lines. Option one install a small separate box for the necessary lines for the child <br />support division at a cost of $1 ,050.00 or option two to replace the entire cabinet for the <br />administration building with a larger system to increase the phone lines to the building, <br />with a cost of$12,000.00. The larger system will need to be addressed in the future as <br />the county expands but could be addressed in the next budget year. Mr. Maxon stated <br />that the additional phone on the second floor of the administration building for election <br />night would also be installed. Logan made a motion and Hartman seconded to approve <br />the installation ofthe small upgrade in the amount of $1 ,050.00 for the county attorney <br />child support department. Arnold, Hartman, Jeffries, Lancaster, Landis and Logan all <br />voted yes and none voted no with Stelk absent. Motion carried <br /> <br />Board assistant Stacey Ruzicka requested to have voice mail installed on her phone. The <br />cost would be $10.00 for the installation and $6.50 per month. Arnold made a motion <br />and Hartman seconded to approve the installation of voice mail for the board assistant's <br />phone. Arnold, Hartman, Jeffries, Lancaster, Landis and Logan all voted yes and none <br />voted no with Stelk absent. Motion carried. <br />