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<br />f 19990508 <br /> <br />Lancaster - She attended a personnel meeting, a criminal justice meeting, the convention <br />visitors bureau meeting and reported that HeadStart is working on the problem areas from <br />the report from the Kansas City office. She reported that crime stoppers are putting up <br />new SIgns. <br /> <br />Jeffries - He reported that the veteran's service office received certificates of <br />appreciation from the Vietnam veterans. He also attended the personnel committee <br />meeting, the public works committee meeting, building and grounds committee also did a <br />walk-through inspection of the carpet project. <br /> <br />Public Works Director Dan Hostler requested that the board authorize the chair to sign <br />the contracts for the asphalt miantenance projects. Landis made a motion and Hartman <br />seconded to authorize the chair to sign the contract. Arnold, Hartman, Jeffries, Lancaster <br />Landis and Logan all voted yes and none voted no with Stelk absent. Motion carried. <br /> <br />NEW BUSINESS: Landis reminded the board that on October 26, 1999 the board voted <br />to advertise for applications for designees for the cornhusker Army Ammunition Plant. <br />Jeffries stated that this should be postponed until the Army takes action to clean up the <br />property. Deputy County Attorney Jerry Janulewicz suggested this should be addressed <br />at the December 14 meeting. <br /> <br />Meeting adjourned at 11 :45 a.m. The nest meeting will be December 14, 1999, at 9:00 <br />a.m. <br /> <br /> <br /> <br />REMINDER: The county board meetings may be viewed on GITV Cable Channel t and <br />UHF Channel 56 Wednesday at 8:00 p.m. and Friday at 8:00 a.m. <br />