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<br />F 19990005 <br /> <br />CONSIDER AND APPROVE RESOLUTION RESCINDING AN AMENDMENT TO THE <br />FLEXIBLE BENEFIT PLAN: Deputy County Attorney Jerry Janulewicz <br />stated that in late November the County Clerk received <br />information from the Internal Revenue Service stating that there <br />were changes regarding cafeteria plans and the County would need <br />to approve a resolution to make the changes to our AFLAC <br />cafeteria plan. He prepared Resolution #98-0072 and it was <br />approved. In late December communication was received stating <br />that it would not be necessary to make these changes so the board <br />would need to rescind the previous motion. Arnold made a motion <br />and Hartman seconded to approve Resolution # 99-0002 to rescind <br />Resolution #98-0072. Arnold, Hartman, Jeffries, Lancaster, <br />Landis and Logan all voted yes and none voted no, with Stelk <br />absent. Motion carried. <br /> <br />RESOLUTION #99- 60~ <br /> <br />A RESOLUTION RESCINDING AN AMENDMENT TO THE HALL COUNTY FLEXIBLE <br />BENEFIT PLAN OFFERED THROUGH AFLAC FLEX ONE <br /> <br />WHEREAS, on December 10, 1998, the Hall County Board of Supervisors adopted Resolution <br />#98-0072 amending the Hall County Flexible Benefit Plan offered through AFLAC Flex One to comply <br />with new IRS change in family status rules for benefit plans beginning on or after January 1, 1999; and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, the Internal Revenue Service has announced an indefinite postponement of the <br />effective date of the above-mentioned change in family status rules; and <br /> <br />WHEREAS, the County Board of Supervisors desires to rescind Resolution #98-0072 and to <br />reinstate the previously existing change in family status rules as they existed immediately prior to said <br />amendment. <br /> <br />BE IT RESOLVED, Resolution #98-0072 be hereby rescinded and previously existing change in <br />family status rules are reinstated as they existed immediately prior to said amendment. The Board <br />Chairman and County Clerk are hereby to revise the benefit plan document and the swnmary plan <br />description as necessary to conform to this resolution. <br /> <br />Resolution moved by Supervisor ~ ~J.9 ~~ <br />Seconded by Supervisor 4 --'~~d r;<4~ <br /> <br />Vote: <br />Supervisor Arnold: <br />Supervisor Hartman: <br />Supervisor Jeffiies: <br />Supervisor Lancaster: <br />Supervisor Landis: <br />Supervisor Logan: <br />Supervisor Stelk: <br /> <br />For..:;;L; Against _; Abstained _; Not Present_. <br />For $; Against _; Abstained _; Not Present_. <br />For 1; Against _; Abstained _; Not Present_. <br />For 1; Against_; Abstained_; NotPresent_. <br />For...'i....; Against _; Abstained _; Not Present_. <br />For JL; Against _; Abstained _; Not Present_. <br />For _; Against _; Abstained _; Not Present L. <br />