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HALL COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION MEETING APRIL 24, 2p12 <br /> 9:05 a.m. Quandt made a motion and Arnold seconded to go into a Board of Equalization <br /> meeting. <br /> ROLL CALL VOTE — Present on roll call vote were Scott Arnold, Pamela Lancaster, Bob <br /> McFarland, Daniel Purdy, Gary Quandt, Steve 5chuppan and David Ziola. Also present was <br /> Deputy County Attorney Jack Zitterkopf, County Assessor Jan Pelland and Board Assistant <br /> Stacey Ruzicka. <br /> NOTICE OF OPEN MEETING LAW— Chairman Lancaster read the natice of the open meeting <br /> law. <br /> MINUTES — Purdy made a motion and Ziola seconded to approve the minutes of the April 10, <br /> 2012 meeting. Arnold, Lancaster, McFarland, Purdy, Quandt, Schuppan and Ziola all voted y�s <br /> and none voted no. Motion carried. <br /> 1 PLATT DUETSCHE VEREIN —this is from the last meeting and Ms Pelland read a letter <br /> that she received. They filed as charitable and stated that they contributed $18,000.00 to <br /> arganizations and individuals. She read the list of activities that they have participated in. This <br /> is partial tax exemption and Ms Pelland stated that she would recommend approving a portion <br /> of the application. She nated that this one was marked as social and that is not a category. <br /> Quandt made a motion and Ziola seconded to approve the 60% exemption for the Platt <br /> Duetsche Verein. McFarland stated that he will abstain from the vote because he is a member <br /> of the club. Arnold, Lancaster, Purdy, Quandt, Schuppan and Ziola all vated yes and none <br /> voted no. Motion carried McFarland abstained fram the vote. <br /> 2 GRAND ISLAND FEDERATION OF' LABOR —A letter was sent regarding this exemptian <br /> because it was marked as charitable and Ms. Pelland asked for an explanation of the charitable <br /> activities. Allen Ogden and Charles Encinger were present. <br /> Schuppan questioned how long it had been exempt and Mr. Ogden he was not but they have <br /> started in 1956. He stated that they used to have bingo but do not do that anymore. Arnold <br /> questioned if there is an organization that owns the building and he stated that there were <br /> shares that were sold to buy the building but they no longer have them. Pelland review�d the <br /> criteria for an exemption. <br /> Arnold questioned if they could be exempt if they charge for the use of the building. Discussion <br /> was held and the fees they charge may only cover the cost of the utilities. <br /> Schuppan noted that this is one that the state asked for more clarification regarding the <br /> charitable exemption. Pelland stated that she will send an explanation regarding the <br /> exemptions and a copy of the minutes with the County Board action. <br /> Arnold nated that some of these old buildings become a liability. If they provide space for an <br /> exempt organization at a fee that only covers the cost of the overhead and the space would <br /> have more value than this could be a donation to an exempt organization. <br /> Lancaster noted that they did not include a list of the charitable organizatians and they also <br /> stated that they cauld forgo the ownership of the building. <br /> 1 <br />