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DISCUSS AND APPROV� AGREEM�NT FOR RE�EREE S�RVICES FOR 2012 — Ms. Pelland <br /> stated that this agreement is the same as previous years and they only changed the dates to <br /> 2012. The cast has also stayed the same as last year. <br /> Quandt made a motion and Schuppan seconded to approve the agreement for referee services <br /> for 2012 and authorize the chair to sign. Arnold, Lancaster, McFarland, Purdy, Quandt, <br /> Schuppan and Ziola all voted yes and none voted no. Motion carried. <br /> Mr. Quandt questioned what percent the villages were increased by and how much of the <br /> valuatian is from agricultural values. <br /> Pelland stated that Doniphan was raised by 10%, Argo Subdivision in Alda was lowered by 5°/p <br /> and ag-land went up 15%. She stated that there is a lot of new construction. The agricultural <br /> valuation is 15.83% of the total. <br /> NEW OR UNFINISHED BU5INESS— Chairman Lancaster called for new or unfinished <br /> business and na one responded. <br /> R�turned to the regular meeting at 9:21 a.m. 4: ����L C <br /> �� "�.o��� <br /> �; � r:►e <br /> *.�'���* <br /> Nlarla onley II Cou ty CI �;��RAS��• <br />