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HALL COUNTY BOARD OF EQUALIZATION MEETING FEBRUARY 14, 2012 <br /> 9:05 a.m. Quandt made a motion and Arnold seconded to go into a Board of Equalization <br /> rneeting. <br /> ROLL CALL VOTE — Present on roll call vote were Scott Arnold, Pamela Lancaster, Bob <br /> McFarland, Daniel Purdy, Gary Quandt, Steve Schuppan and David Ziola. Also present was <br /> Deputy County Attorney Jack Zitterkopf and Board Assistant StacEy Ruzicka. <br /> NOTICE OF OPEN MEETING LAW— Chairman Lancaster read the notice of the open meeting <br /> law. <br /> MINUT�S-�Quandt made a motion and Ziola seconded to approve the minutes of the January <br /> 31, 2012 meeting. Arnald, Lancaster, McFarland, Purdy, Quandt, Schuppan and Ziala all voted <br /> yes and none voted no. Motion carried. <br /> PUBLIC PARTICIPATION - Chairman L.ancaster called for public participation and no one <br /> responded. <br /> COUNTY TREASURER—a APPR�VE EXEMPTIQN APPLICATION FOR GOOD SAMARI7AN <br /> SOGETY WOOD RIV�R FOR A 2011 FORD- <br /> B APPROV� EXEMPTION APPLICATION FOR GOODWILL INDUSTRIES OF GREATER NE <br /> FOR A 2007 MERCURY <br /> Caunty Treasurer Peggy Pesek presented the following exemption applicatians: <br /> Good Samaritan Society Wood River, 1401 East Street, Wood River, NE far a 2p11 Ford <br /> cutaway, to be used for a skilled nursing facility. <br /> Goodwill Industries of Greater NE., Inc. 1804 South Eddy, Grand Island, Nebraska for a 2007 <br /> Mercury ta be used far clathing stores business use to support Goodwill programs. She <br /> recommended approving the exemption applications under Nebraska State statute 77-202 and <br /> is requesting that the board apprave the exemptions. <br /> Ziola made a motion and McFarland second�d to approve the exemption applications for <br /> Gaodwill Industries and Good Samaritan Society. Arnold, Lancaster, McFarland, Purdy, <br /> Quandt, 5chuppan and Ziola all voted y�s and none voted no. Motion carried. <br /> COUNTY ASSESSOR - DISCUSS AND APPROVE RESOLUTION APPOINTING REFEREES <br /> FOR 2012 ASSESSMENT YEAR— County Assessor Jan Pelland was present with the <br /> resolution appointing the referees for the 2012 tax assessment year. She stated that this <br /> resolutian is the same as prior years and is r�questing a motion to approve. <br /> Lancaster stated that the referee process allows the public to talk to a referee and they can alsa <br /> come ta the formal hearings of the Board of Equalization. <br /> Purdy made a motion and Quandt seconded to approv� Resolution #12-011 appointing the <br /> referees. Arnold, Lancaster, McFarland, Purdy, Quandt, Schuppan and Ziola all voted yes and <br /> none voted na. Motion carried. <br />