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c. Provides an assessn�ent of the efFectiveness of the referee <br /> system. <br /> d. Makes apprapriate suggestion,s and recornrnendations regarding <br /> the use and structure of the referee system in the future. <br /> 3. Any work requested of the Company by the County which is related to <br /> appeal of the Board of Equalization d�cisions ta the Nebraska Tax <br /> Equalization and Review Comrnission are spec�cally excluded from this <br /> , contract_ <br /> In providing the £oxegoing services,the Cornpany shall ensure that all protests are pracessed in <br /> compliaxace with the requirements of Neb. Rev. Stat. 77-1502 and 77-15p2.01 (Reissue 1999) <br /> and all other applicable provisions of state law and regulations. Within a reasona.ble time <br /> foilowing disposition af each protest by the referee, all papers relating to the protest,together <br /> w�ith the written findings and recommendations of the referees, shall be tzansmitted ta the County <br /> Board af Equalization. <br /> II. As soon as pxacticable follawing approva.l of the Agreement by the County Baazd of <br /> Equaliza.tion af Hall County, the Coordi�at�r shall meet with the Hall County Assessor and <br /> members of her staff for the purpose of develaping a pre-hearing screening process designed to <br /> identify those protests which are capable oF resolution withaut a formal referee hearing and to <br /> classify the remaining protests to minirnize the tinae and effort required to hear axad resalve those <br /> remaining protests. <br /> �II. The Company sha11 be responsible for the provision of the iza�dividuals who will serve as <br /> referees who shall be quali�ed by training and expenence to properly perform all the <br /> duties assigned them. All matters relatin�to the selection a�ad qualification of the referees,the <br /> specific nature a�nd extent of the se�rvices each will perform, and compensation each will receive <br /> shall be decided by the Company,�,subject to the approvaJ, of the Couniy. <br /> IV. Each individual provided by the Company and approved by the County Board af <br /> Equalazation to act as a xeferee shall be required to follow the ternr�s of this agreement as set out <br /> by the County and Cornpany. A list of individuals who have been selected and approved by <br /> Caunty to act as referees is attached hereto and marked Ex�ibit 1 and incorporated herein by this <br /> reference. The cost of the Coordinator, Assistant Coordinator, if any, and said referees is <br /> included as part of the cost of this agreement ax�d is not to be consider�d separate. The Company <br /> has the res nsibili af corn nsatin all such individuals fram payment received by Cornpany <br /> PQ �Y P� � <br /> from CourYty puzsuant ta this Agreement. <br /> V. It is understood and agreed that the Company and all individuals provided by Cornpany shal] <br /> be ind�pendent contractors and shall not be ernployees of the County. The compensation to be <br /> paad to each of the foregaing independent contractors shall be determined pursuant to the terms <br /> af his or her respective agreernents with Company and shall not be the respansibility of County. <br /> Except as specifically pravided in this paragraph,the County slaa.11 nat be responsible far the <br /> payment of ax�y expenses of the Company,the caordinator,the assistant coordinator,if any,or _ <br /> re�erees,nor shall the Caunty be responsible for the prc�vision of any insurance or fringe benefits. <br /> 3 <br />