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9. DISCUSS AND APPROVE REAPPOINTMENT OF CHRISTOPHER COX TO HALL <br /> COUNTY VETERANS SERVICE COMMITTEE Purdy made a motion and Arnold <br /> seconded to apprave the appointment of Christopher Cox to the Hall County Veterans <br /> Service Committee. Quandt questioned if there were any other names submitted for <br /> this appointment. <br /> Veterans Service officer Dan Shuda stated that by state statute they are supposed to <br /> submit 3 names and he did forward a capy of the statute with the letter but no other <br /> names were submitted, only Mr. Cox. <br /> The vote on the motion to approve the appointment was taken. Arnold, Lancaster, <br /> McFarland, Purdy, Quandt, Schuppan and Ziola all voted yes and nane vated no. <br /> Motion carried. <br /> 9:05 a.m. Held a Board of Equalization meeting <br /> 9:10 a.m. Returned to the regular meeting <br /> PUBLIC PARTICIPATION — Chairman Lancaster called for public participation and no <br /> one respanded. <br /> 6. CONVENTION AND VISIT�RS BUREAU REP�RT— Renee Seifert Director and <br /> Mike Swanson Chair of the CVB Board were present. Lancaster stated that the <br /> purpose of this status report is to announce that Renee Seifert has submitted her <br /> resignation as director. She will stay until there is a replac�ment hired and they hope to <br /> be back the first of November with the appointment. Ms. Seifert stated that her husband <br /> has accepted a pasition in Pennsylvania. They are originally from western Pennsylvania <br /> and she will be going back to help care far her mother. She stated #hat this is a tough <br /> job to leave and it has been a thrill to be in this pasition. She is looking forward to <br /> having someone come on board to take CVB to the next level; she has had an excellent <br /> staff and has had the same staff since she started. <br /> Lancast�r stated that since she has been involved with the CVB the funds ga to the <br /> goals and purpose af the entity. It has moved from an umbrella organization to being on <br /> their own with no increase in their funding. They were even fartunate to obtain a 5-year <br /> contract for their current location. Mr. Swanson has been the Chair of the board far a <br /> number of years. <br /> Arnold thanked Renee for her services and stated that she has been there since he has <br /> b�en an the County Board and noted th� accomplishments and growth of the CVB. <br /> Mr. Quandt and Mr. Schuppan thanked her far her assistance and stated they <br /> appreciate all that she has done. The board gave her a round of applause. <br /> 10. DISCUSS AND APPROVE REMOVAL AND REBUILDING OF "PICNIC <br /> SHELTERS" AT THE HALL COUNTY VETERANS PARK -� Don Shuda and Mike Ponte <br /> 2 <br /> I <br />